Covid: Felt ill today so took a test... - Lung Conditions C...

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Julie14 profile image
90 Replies

Felt ill today so took a test & its positive i have Bronchiectasis & Asthma & im feeling so ill i could cry 😢

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Julie14 profile image
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90 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Oh bless you Julie, how awful. I hope you will recover soon as I believe you’ve been double jabbed.

Take care xxxx

Julie14 profile image
Julie14 in reply to sassy59

Thank you x

Raggers82 profile image

Hey Julie hopefully u will start to feel better soon probably the shock of having covid with lung disease doesn’t help and I no it is a worry but the 2 jabs will sort u out , stay calm and positive and have plenty of rest and you will bounce back in a day or so

Julie14 profile image
Julie14 in reply to Raggers82

Thank you x

Maricopa profile image

I’m so sorry you got this after being vaccinated. Hopefully it won’t last too long. But I can relate to your feeling overwhelmed. It sometimes seems it’s just one hill to climb after another.

Julie14 profile image
Julie14 in reply to Maricopa

Thank you x

madonbrew profile image

Hi Julie,Really hope you start feeling better soon! Take it easy and just rest!

Dee 🌺

Julie14 profile image
Julie14 in reply to madonbrew

Thank you x

knitter profile image

Sending Best Wishes .

Julie14 profile image
Julie14 in reply to knitter

Thank you x

HungryHufflepuff profile image

Im really sorry to know you've got covid now. I hope you'll be feeling better soon. Sending you lots of good wishes 🕊️

Julie14 profile image
Julie14 in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Thank you x

Patsy164 profile image

So sorry to hear how unwell you are I have the same Bronch and Asthma it must be awful for you. Hoping you start to recover soon x

Julie14 profile image
Julie14 in reply to Patsy164

I feel pretty ill like theres no air its awful x

Patsy164 profile image
Patsy164 in reply to Julie14

I felt like that last May it is a horrible feeling I put my cpap machine on which helped. It wasn’t covid just short of breath but I am sure covid is much much worse. X

Gingeros profile image

Hope you start to feel better soon. Thinking of you, Take care x❤💐

naresh62 profile image

Sorry to hear your not well wishing you a speedy recovery take care God bless Naresh x

Maggie_Mae profile image

Hi Julie, take care of yourself, sleep as much as you need.. Hopefully your vaccinations will lessen symptoms, stay positive 🌹

Lemon7 profile image

Wishing you well very soon. Take care and rest. All good wishes to you.

bikergrove profile image

Best wishes for a speedy recovery Julie, Covid is so scary for anyone but more so if you have lung problems too. I am sure your jabs will help in protecting you get well soon. x

Lynneypin profile image

How are you feeling today Julie x

2greys profile image

It is horrible, it is also very scary as well already having a lung disease. I do hope that the vaccine is taking the edge off the symptoms somewhat. Rest up and remember to drink more water, heavy breathing causes a lot of fluid loss. Fluid loss is a cause of headaches which will make you feel worse. I hope you recover very soon.

stamford1234 profile image
stamford1234 in reply to 2greys

Excellent advice 2greys, I should drink more water

Alberta56 profile image

So sorry to read this. I hope you start to feel better very soon. xxx

garshe profile image

Sorry to hear you have Covid , thank goodness you have been Vaccinated. Wishing you a speedy recovery .xxSheila 💕😘💐

Digger0 profile image

What a bummer, but you'll recover. Try and rest and take care.

Macjayne profile image

Hi sorry to hear you've caught this dreadful disease, can only imagine how worried you must be. Hope your well asap lots of raster and fluids take care x

CDPO16 profile image

So distressing for you to catch the virus now. Wishing you a full recovery soon.

sandravale profile image

Don t worry. I have bronchiectasis and asthma and when I got covid, it wasn't too bad. Yes I felt like shit for 2 weeks and then another 2 weeks of no energy but I got over it (and that was when vaccination wasn't available). God bless

helenlw7 profile image

Oh you poor thing. Hopefully you’ll recover quickly if you’ve been double jabbed you’ll get it more mildly and less severely. My daughter has it at the moment. She’s double jabbed and her only health issue is asthma. She felt really ill for the first two days with what felt like a heavy cold. That eased and she has just lost her sense of taste and smell.

Irisheyes60 profile image

Ohh Julie I feel your pain love. I've been so ill for 4wks just diagnosed with plursey on Thursday at hospital after CT scan. I'm on nebuliser steroids antibiotics and much more.. so so so scary can hardly get a breath 😫 I've no voice with the cough 😫😕 hospital said they would have kept me in only for the blooming covid...they said I have a bad viral infection but not covid... I'm just so weak tired exhausted coughing 😪😩😫 hope you feel stronger soon love God bless you 🙏

Hobbledehoy profile image
Hobbledehoy in reply to Irisheyes60

Och, you poor thing... The coughing is probably the most exhausting, hope the GP or District Nurse can alleviate that for you. The nebuliser should ease your poor lungs, then you won't feel so desperate. And the steroids will kick in shortly, to make you feel a bit more human. It'll be a slow business, I'm afraid, be patient. For it's not Covid, you're alive, and hopefully will soon start to make some progress in the right direction. Good luck and God bless x

Irisheyes60 profile image
Irisheyes60 in reply to Hobbledehoy

Thank you so much Hobbledehoy God bless you 💖

B0xermad profile image

How awful for you to get covid on top of everything else,bronchiectasis is bad enough when you get an exacerbation or pneumonia on top and I know from experience with pleurisy to is really painful. Hoping that you feel better soon Regards Julie (aka boxermad)

ninelives profile image

So sorry that you are feeling rough.Thinking of you and hope that you feel better soon

Jansy16 profile image

I really feel your pain Julie, I pray you will feel better soon. Sending

GintyFerguson profile image

Wishing you a speedy recovery Julie. Hope you are getting the treatment you need . X

Aingeful profile image

Sending you healing hugs.x

Hope those two jabs are doing their stuff, Julie, and you soon start feeling better. X

SparkySW123 profile image

Julie, sending you prayers and every good wish for a speedy recovery. Hopefully, havinghad the 2 jabs will provide the protection you need to get back together.xx

Response profile image

Oh poor you Julie - I think a year and a half of fear with us clinically vulnerable people makes a positive even worse. The double jab should reduce the danger - with Bronch, you've probably had worse with bacterial infections so I hope you feel physically and emotionally better soon.

Check your sats if you feel worse and call 111 if needed (given you have bronch) but research figures are showing that the double jab should help enormously from it getting to that.

Big Hug


Shirleyj profile image

Sending you love and hugs (((💓))). Hope you start to feel better soon, must be so scary x x🌸💮🏵🌹🍀

Beachballs profile image

How scary for you Julie , hope you feel better soon . 🙏

Lfcpremier profile image

Hi Julie. So sorry to read but hopefully all will be fine. Friends son with severe CF just recovered fully from it.Do you have an oximeter.. Cheap to buy even if you need to resort to Amazon. Important to keep track of Oxygen level. If it drops, think it's below 91, seek medical help.

Take care & keep us informed if you are up to it. Lots of love & best wishes. Xx

leo60 profile image

Hope you feel better soon , rest and fluids will help xx

mrblue12 profile image

I'm sorry to hear that you have tested positive. I assume that you have been vaccinated? At least, that will give you decent protection for severe disease.

You mentioned that you have bronchiectasis and asthma. Having lung disease and catching covid will be scary, but rather paradoxically, people with asthma are underrepresented in hospitalisations rates. They believe that taking an inhaler mitigates the risk of severe Covid.

I hope you are feeling ok. Keep us posted on how you're doing.

Lupino profile image

Hello Julie, So sorry that you have Covid. As said, it should be milder as you’ve had the 2 vaccines. Also a good idea to keep an eye on o2 levels, as has been suggested. Can you get help with shopping etc.? Please let us know how you get on. xx

Perrythomas profile image

Take it easy - it will pass - rest, drink lots of fluids 💕

Badbessie profile image

Hopefully you will feel better soon. 2greys gives good advice. Keep us informed of your progress.

MoyB profile image

Get well soon! xx Moy

Mavary profile image

My Son has just got over covid after being double vaccinated. If you are anything like him he felt poorly for a few days but then started to get over it. He has lost his sense of smell and taste. I was told if I get it to let the Dr know straight away. I would think that would apply to you too.

Take care and I hope you feel better soon.

Walkwalkwalk profile image

Oh Julie I am not surprised that you are so worried. I am sorry that this is happening to you As has been said the reaction should be less because of the vaccine, although it is probably hard to deal with anything additional to your present problems. Your inhalers should help and ask for additional support if you feel that is not happening. Keep well hydrated and know that so many of us are sending love for your healing.

My very best wishes. Grace

Timberman profile image

That's really tough but being double jabbed should keep it under control. Stay positive and try to keep calm; it all helps.

katieoxo60 profile image

Sorry to hear you feel so ill ,do take care if it worsens call the virus number for help. Tears are helpful to relax you. Its not good news that you are a vaccinated person too. But hopefully that will keep the symptoms down . Stay safe ,rest to preserve your energy and don't be afraid to ask for help or advice. Drink plenty of fluid as that helps flush germs through the system. Hope you feel better in a few days with no long covid left behind. xxxx

watergazer profile image

It seems that the virus is able to spread very quickly now however the jabs should help you to recover 🤞 you only have it bad for a couple of days. As others have said rest and drink water. I too have bronch and asthma and still fear getting COVID x

Jaybird19 profile image

Oh Julie. I do hope you feel better soon. . Keep us posted.

JaneChapple profile image

Dear Julie

Im so srry you are feeling so ill? Have you spoken to the doctor? I feel its important that you do because if you have had the two jabs it should be reported as possible side effects of them. Which one did you have and how long ago ( actually some allergic reactions can happen months after the jabs). Please do report them on Yellow card system if you feel it is related as Govt/MHRA ask us to. Please speak to your doctor so its recorded on your medical record, or phone 111 and ask their advice at least. Do take care and I hooe you recover soon.

Best wishes


stamford1234 profile image

So sorry Julie, it is brutal. I hope you feel better soon. Thinking of you

Blackcat99 profile image

As a fellow Bronchy, I can imagine the panic and fear of the positive diagnosis. As others have said, the double jab should make it a lot less severe, although still unpleasant, I’m sure. Take good care of yourself, let us know how you are getting on? Sending love and all good wishes!

Bluenotes profile image

Hope you feel better soon . 🤗

Carnival567 profile image

I hope you feel better soon x

flo1 profile image

Can I ask how you felt with symptoms? Sorry just wondering as I don't yet know on anyone with it!! especially with lung disease..:) I had a very scary diagnostic in 2019 with a zoonotic transmission. 2020 started my journey on an assessment programme heading for double lung transplant, interested to see if this is similar? mine was nothing like flu or pneumonia ..I have had both several times over the past 14 yrs..many thanks, hope you're going to be okay and your on the appropriate antbx and meds being looked after ..all the best !

Julie14 profile image
Julie14 in reply to flo1

Flo1 i have headaches, fever, my breathing is crackly & have no smell or taste, generally no energy. I also have a cough.

scardycat profile image

Hello Julie, I just want to tell you,, I know you will be okay, but I also would be terrified and cry like a baby, In fact I would be hootin' and a hollerin' too! I want you to know my very dear friend, only 43, told she tested positive for co-vid a week ago and she was vaccinated , twice as suggested by dr. and she has Broncios~Asthma, and stage 4 case of emphysema been on oxygen for a year. BUT the take away I want to tell you is this , she is already starting to feel much better, still at home, and she told me I just prayed and prayed, (even though she never prayed before) but, thought in a week she would be on respr. in critical condition, or dead after a week!! BUT she is not!!! And she only had a light case because of her previous vacc.'s!! .And her oxygen never needed to be raised!! Well, compare those illnesses plus co-vid, and sweetheart you are only going to get better and be free of it!! You are in good shape and it will be mild, though a pain in the rear for a couple days, and then well! I just know this! Also I just prayed it , you will be well and not end up in the hospital but completely clear of it... You don't need to respond love, keep that energy for telling us all when you are well.. You are blessed Julie14 and being taken care of by the greatest Physician there is, The Lord himself !! One of many your fan's !! X <3

Sending best wishes and wishing you peace. Drink lots and rest lots. I always say sleep is Gods medicine xx

CaptainPugwash profile image

So Sorry To Hear You Have COVID I Hope You Have A Quick Recovery Take Care Keep Safe 🖤🖤

Caspiana profile image

Not good news at all Julie. Very sorry to hear this. Do take care and hope you feel better very soon. xx 💕

Ergendl profile image

Hope you're starting to feel better, Julie.

Walkwalkwalk profile image

Julie, I am sorry that you are having to cope with this and that today, even if you don’t feel better yet, that things feel stable. You are in my thoughts and I wish you a safe recovery Do keep hydrated and conserve any energy you have for your healing.


HighGables profile image

Thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better Julie.Stay strong, drink plenty of fluids and rest up. Keep us posted. Jax 🐶x

Kitten-kat23 profile image

Sending prayers.x

Offcut profile image

Get well soon

mary1956 profile image

I hope you are feeling better and that having the two jabs successfully reduced the severity of it. It must be very frightening.

Suesal46 profile image

Go Julie you will be fine I have the same as you and just had op on my eye am still waiting to see out of it but it could be 6/8 weeks yet keep on trucking you will be fine Julie love sue 🐾💛🐾💛🐾💛🐾💛

Anilbhard profile image

Have faith in Him and believe me prayers and trust with positive attitude helps. I too suffered , like other fellow travellers, but always came out fighting with trust in our Supreme Father. God bless

Royfod23 profile image

Oh dear so sorry.Get plenty of rest and soon bounce back.God bless.❤

Sharice21 profile image

Bless you,I hope you feel better soon,I'm absolutely petrified of covid so I can just imagine how you feel ,on a positive note I have read of loads of people that have had it and recovered with no issues at all,please keep me updated take care x

bigden profile image

Julie take 1000mg of vitamin c every hour fir at least 24 hours it will make yuur immune system fight it no less than 1000

mauschen profile image

My niece has bronchiectasis and was so scared when she test positive. She didn’t sail through it but she was ok. Hope you are too, take care.

Hobbledehoy profile image

Oh honey, that's rotten luck... It shouldn't get a grip of you in the same way when you're double- vaccinated, though. Have faith, keep calm and strong, follow all the guidelines. Best wishes 💐 💌

meandmrblue profile image

💜 ✝️ x

Annie31 profile image

Wishing you a full and speedy recovery!

Sops profile image

So sorry to read of your illness, I do hope you are feeling a little better now, as a fellow bronchi /asthma patient I sympathise and send you my very best wishes. I am late replying as I have been unwell but have been diagnosed this week with large’ gallstones so I am waiting to have a call from GP, 3 ultrasounds in two weeks certainly fills my hours. Sops.

BionicLady profile image

Hello Julie14

I hope you are feeling somewhat better today.

I also have Bronch, am sure I have asthma too but hasn't been diagnosed as yet.

I know it is easy for me to say but I hope you have managed some calmness around you and are recovering slowly but surely and that your symptoms are slowly beginning to lessen.

Take care and speedy recovery, let us know how you are XX💐

I hope you will get good strength again. Try to eat pepper juice, it will improving your immunity level. Take some natural foods in your daily food diet, it will increase your antioxidants properties into good level. Try to avoid junk food items and processed food items. Please follow doctor advice very strictly.

BionicLady profile image

I hope you don't mind me asking, but how different does it feel to having a Bronch infection?

Only, it does occur to me that symptoms are very similar, I can easily have quite severe infections for months and months on end.

I do hope you are feeling better today Julie14 🌹XX

peege profile image

Just seen your news, I do hope you're not by yourself Julie and that it doesn't last to long. Let us know if you can how you're doing. P

Julie14 profile image
Julie14 in reply to peege

Im doing good thanks & i have support x

Kitchen8 profile image

Julie, I have same conditions as you. I hope you are feeling better soon, it's a long struggle with any virus or infection and you must be so worried, keep resting and drink lots of water to keep hydrated

saramic profile image

Am so so sorry. It's a minefield at the moment trying to stay well. Do you have oxygen at home?

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