My experience with covid: Hopefully by... - Lung Conditions C...

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My experience with covid

Alice70 profile image
74 Replies

Hopefully by writing this post it will help me to stop being so upset with my experience with covid ,and my hospital ,I was diagnosed with emphysema and mild brochiecstas some eight nine years ago ,my last spirometry test I was breathing 29% ,nineteen days ago I started to feel unwell with pain in my chest ,more breathless ,my daughter called the ambulance as she said iwas blue around the mouth ,paramedic came first did two heart trace said I needed to go to hospital as trace wasn't quite right ,had another trace in ambulance and at hospital said it was still a bit out ,after being in ambulance a few hours outside hospital I was eventually taken into a room more heart traces plus a covid test blood test ,when they were satisfied I wasn't having or had heart attack ,they told me my bloods figures that they do for heart was slightly raised by forty if it would if heart attack it would of been raised by hundreds ,they didn't no why or why heart trace was out ,up until then i felt cared for ,after this things were so bad ,I was in a wheel chair been push about as I couldn't walk because my breathing was so bad ,I was plonked to sit and wait in A&E with lots of other people ,I sat there for hours feeling so ill ,I rang my husband to ask him to come up as they were letting partners in A&E ,this was about six thirty I'd been there hours ,when my husband got to the hospital he told me he had checked his phone and found a message sent to him at 4 o'clock from NHS saying I had Covid ,I though it was one of these hoax, my husband took message to desk asked did I have covid ,she went to ask ,called my name told me I had covid ,I'd been sitting with all those people for hours by now ,I dread to think that I'd spread it to anyone ,from there they isolated me which was a room portioned of A&E,all glass windows with two huge double doors that were automatic every time someone pass they would open an shut ,I was absolutely freezing, I sat there until 20clock in the morning ,then a doctor came out to see me told me I could go home ,and to come back if things got worse ,after a after though he asked had I had exray I said no ,oh we better do exray ,I was pushed to xray department ,they had lost my paper work ,by now I was in tears ,they eventually y found paper work ,exray girl wheeled me in for XrayI could hardly stand ,she offered to help me take necklace of ,I said it would be best if I took of myself as my neck was sweaty ,and I had covid ,they hadn't told her I had covid ,she did have mask on ,then she put gloves on also ,we left the hospital at 4olock in the morning couldn't breath sweating shivering feeling so ill made worse by sitting there in the cold for 17 hours,things did get worse as it took me a day or two to realise I had bad chest infection along side covid ,the following week was awful waking up drenched in sweat panic that I couldn't breath, crying,totally exhausted ,as I've got better I rang BLF ,they asked me was I offered antiviral treatment ,no nobody offered me anything ,I started recue pk myself hope I haven't depressed anyone with my long post ,I just feel that if I get it down in writing it will help me come to terms with my ordeal ,and stop the tears ,I also hope I haven't frightened anyone with my experience of covid as I am sure mine was made worse by the long hours in the hospital as it exhausted me ,I would just like to add I have come through it feeling a lot better ,just a bit fragile,after all I am 75 years old ,and I don't think they cared

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Alice70 profile image
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74 Replies
sueray profile image

Aww Alice I so feel for you, The way you have been treated is awful, I to find medical help is shocking, Its as if they dont care, My COPD is my fault as i smoked for years, But i feel so sorry for you, I find if they let me manage my symptoms myself half the time i do get better until the next bout, Please keep your chin up, Lots of Love Sue

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply tosueray

Well on the way to recovery now ,thank you Sue x

Oshgosh profile image

You poor thing. I won’t go to the local district hospital if I need A N E,b cause of previous negative experiences.I hope you’re continuing to feel better x

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toOshgosh

I am feeling better thank you

Damon1864 profile image

Alive I'm so sorry to hear you had to go through all of that, but I am pleased you are feeling so much better. It's disgusting the way you were just left there no wonder you were upset. But that's behind you now and you can concentrate on getting better. You take things easy have a lovely day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx 🌻🌻💖

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toDamon1864

Thank you Bernadette,well on the the way to recovery now

sassy59 profile image

The hospital really didn’t seem very caring after doing so well initially. A deplorable way to be treated Alice especially as you had covid too. When you get your strength back l’d put in a complaint to PALS just to let them know how poorly you were treated when you were so ill. Hoping you feel much better soon and wishing you well. Xxx💕❤️🤗🌹

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply tosassy59

No they weren't very caring ,but on the way to recovery now ,thanks Sassy

Jane2005 profile image

What an awful experience you had especially when you were so unwell. Unfortunately it is a sign of the times nowadays as NHS is broken. My partner was told by his Consultant earlier this year when he contracted covid in Hospital. Long story but he is fully recovered from operation & covid thankfully. I do hope you feel better soon xx

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toJane2005

Wasn't very nice experience, but I'm here to tell the tale ,and on the way to recovery ,thank you Jane

HungryHufflepuff profile image

That's such an awful experience. Sending you lots of hugs and good wishes 🤗

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toHungryHufflepuff

Thank you hungry feeling a lot better now ,waiting for my breathing to go back to what it was ,as it has taken a wallop

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply toAlice70

I hope it won't take too long for your breathing to improve

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toHungryHufflepuff

Aww thank you

CDPO16 profile image

Something of a waking nightmare Alice, followed by a long time feeling ill with covid and a chest infection. I'm glad that you are much better now and hope that your breathing soon improves too. Love Carole xx

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toCDPO16

Thank you Carol

cofdrop-UK profile image

Omg Alice I could cry for you. What a dreadful experience when you were so clearly so very unwell. No wonder you feel so pissed off and let down.

I absolutely hate unplanned admissions. So many delays in seeing specialist respiratory Medic and treatments - been there in the past. It is disgusting though that you were so badly neglected, not being put in a red area quickly enough and then basically ignored. I am so sorry.

As well as PALS I would be inclined to let your consultant know just how their patients are treated during an unplanned admission. This is not acceptable.

I feel very lucky my team arranged a planned admission within a couple of hours but I appreciate hearing that would exacerbate your understandable feelings of resentment at your disgusting treatment. You are incredibly strong emotionally to have written such kind words to me and on hearing your story it means so much to me.

I do hope offloading in writing down your experience has helped you.

Thinking about you Alice and sending healing vibes and gentle hugs.

Love Sue 💕💕💕

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply tocofdrop-UK

A lovely reply cof. Hugs. Xx🤗😘💕

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply tocofdrop-UK

Hi cofdrop thank you so much for this heartfelt reply ,I am feeling much better ,and it did help to unload on here as I new the lovelypeople like yourself would understand ,we will get there as you say we are strong people ,and all I wish for you is to get well,and truly pleased you are getting looked after ,take care lovely Alice x

cofdrop-UK profile image
cofdrop-UK in reply toAlice70

You are an amazing lady and very generous of spirit and a tough cookie.


Caspiana profile image

Hello Alice,

I wish I could say I was shocked reading your post, but I'm afraid and sorry to say I have heard similar stories from friends and relatives in the U.K. I do not understand how things have unravelled to this degree. It seems also to differ from place to place. I am truly sorry this happened to you. I can only imagine how awful it was, feeling ill and stuck in a wheelchair with no support and nowhere to lie down. I am so sorry. I hope you feel better very soon. Much love to you.

Cas xx ❤️

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toCaspiana

Thank you Cas ,feeling much better

Katinka46 profile image

That is horrendous, what a nightmare. I am glad you are feeling better. Take it gently and look after yourself. Xx

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toKatinka46

Thank you katinka

Lynneypin profile image

Good grief, that’s terrible. What has our NHS become. Which hospital was this Alice? As others have said, please use PALS so they are aware. Glad to read that you are on the mend, what a relief. Take care xx

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toLynneypin

Thank youLinney ,I won't name hospital ,,I live in North Wales ,what does pals stand for

Lynneypin profile image
Lynneypin in reply toAlice70

This will help x

Morrison10 profile image

So sorry you had such awful experience when you were feeling really ill. Yes tell your consultant, hope it improves A&E. Ive had poor experience in A+E when doing own Iv antibiotics and cannula failed. Glad you’re now recovering, good luck and best regards, Jean x

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toMorrison10

Thank you

GintyFerguson profile image

What a horrendous tale. Poor you! Thank you for sharing, it is very helpful. Glad you are home and have survived.

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toGintyFerguson

Yes I've survived and feeling better thank you

ladyn profile image

Hi Alice, glad your on the way to recovery. I hear so many sad stories about the NHS,.I have COPD but been lucky and never needed hospital. Cut a long story short. Over Christmas I was admitted to hospital with pneumonia, then my COPD flared up then I caught covid. I was sent home without them checking if I have fully recovered from pneumonia. I still felt ill but had no one to talk to or see. Tried my gp but no luck. I went private who did ct scan and discovered I still had bacteria pneumonia was given antibiotics and steroids for 15 days. Feel better but weak. So I too feel let down by the NHS.

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toladyn

It is so bad lady,I have always had respect for the NHS, and made excuses for them ,I lost my respect for them that night ,I hope you feel better soon as I do

Otto11 profile image

I’m so sorry to hear how badly you’ve been treated. Or should I say not treated! I’ve heard a few horror stories along similar lines since lockdown began & had a few awful experiences with A & E myself. I did complain to pals last times. How awful you must have felt so distressed by it all & angry too. It’s a sad state of affairs the mess our hospitals have become. I’m pleased to hear that you are now recovering from your ordeal No thanks to them. Stay safe x

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toOtto11

Thank you otto ,feeling much better now

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply toAlice70

👍 x

watergazer profile image

Pleased to hear you are on the mend after your hospital ordeal. X

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply towatergazer

Thank you

Biofreak profile image

My God Alice that's awful and you were treated very badly indeed. You have great cause for complaint but I appreciate you won't be in any state to do that at the moment. I'm glad you are feeling a little better now, no thanks to the hospital who, if anything, made your situation worse and I believe they should have offered you the anti viral medication.

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toBiofreak

Yes I know now I should of had antiviral ,and oxygen ,I've come through the worse ,thank you

Shirleyj profile image

So glad you are now recovering from covid, I was so sorry to hear the treatment you received at the hospital, it is totally shameful. I think you need to complain about how they treated you. I wish you well, take care x x x

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toShirleyj

Thank you Shirley

BreatheasyBe profile image

Oh Alice that must’ve be absolutely awful for you to endure. I do hope you gain strength everyday and recover fully. X

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toBreatheasyBe

Thank you breath easy

tomhatha profile image

I had a Different experience I was having trouble breathing the ambulance came and they really looked after me they gave me oxygen and I felt a lot better however when we got to the hospital they put me in a single room and gave me my daily tablets plus 6 extra ones 4 times in less than a day also the thick yellow stick up the nose two nurses did one each that was also 4 times x2 nu4rses i.e.8 times the sticks were the width of a for finger (painful) now comes the worst thing a doctor came up to me , never gave hid name ar asked how I felt, all he said was " If you have a stroke, heart attack or anything else ( I WILL NOT RESUSCITATE YOU)", I said I will not sign a DNR , he said nothing else he just took the oxygen from me and left me gasping for breath, discharged me in the morning said I didn't have covid and informed my doctor NO COVID. it took me six weeks to get back to knowing what I was doing ( the day I was in hospital I am told I phoned lots of people and I didn't know I had my phone with me and still cont remember doing it)I put it down to being overdosed with 4 times the daily medicinesi in i day. I was told to go for a scan I did and after they told me I had the ground glass effect and HAD Covid 19 , the people who did the scan thought I was in hospital and were shocked when they found out I had been discharged over 6 weeks before getting the scan. I have lost all confidence in that Hospital and try not to go back for any reason. I hope you are OK now and feeling better good luck for the future Oh I forgot I'm 88 so I think ity was my age that he made that choice to just let me die and not revive me


BreatheasyBe profile image
BreatheasyBe in reply totomhatha

Omg 😱 imagine having the DNR conversation with you when you are at your weakest. Absolutely despicable regardless of your age. Id be writing a complaint to display your disgust at the treatment you’ve received and the negligence of sending you away despite being covid positive. Thank goodness you survived to tell the tale. Wishing you a full recovery.

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toBreatheasyBe

Isn't that disgraceful, DNR and they expect you to sign for it disgraceful

tomhatha profile image
tomhatha in reply toBreatheasyBe

he didn't ask me he was just going to ignore me I said I wouldn't sign a DNR and that made him upset and take the oxygen off me ,leaving me gasping for breath.

BreatheasyBe profile image
BreatheasyBe in reply totomhatha

Omg really why did he take you off the oxygen? Bully tactic employed how dare he.

cofdrop-UK profile image
cofdrop-UK in reply toBreatheasyBe

What a cruel bar steward. Definitely in the wrong job, i am sad and angry for you in equal measure Tom. ❣️❣️

Biofreak profile image
Biofreak in reply totomhatha

I'm absolutely disgusted that you were treated like that. It doesn't matter how old you are, you should not have been discharged and given the treatment and respect you deserve. I'm not surprised you have lost confidence in that hospital and if you have the strength, please complain. I hope you are feeling better now.

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toBiofreak

Thank youBio ,I'm not the type to complain ,but this is a time I can't wait

tomhatha profile image
tomhatha in reply toBiofreak

This was at the beginning of Covid in March I have thought about complaining but they were so busy I just can't make my mind up then I wonder how many it happened to and if they did die. the first year after I got better I was fine then I got Long covid I still cant smell only the horrible smells my balance has gone and that cough is back, I'm wandering how long this will last, BUT determined not to let it win, I want the winners medal ha ha

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply totomhatha

Dear me what an attitude, had i been your daughter they would have heard me clearly, sorry but I dont tolerate this sort of behaviour and hope your family took this up for you x

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toIzb1

My daughter or husband wasn't allowed to come with me to hospital ,it was later that my husband came to AE ,thank you Izb

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply totomhatha

Disgraceful Tom you don't happen to live in north wales do you ,wondering if same hospital

Alberta56 profile image

Oh you poor lady . That shouldn't have happened to anyone. I do hope you are feeling a lot better now. How dare they treat one of our lung buddies like that. I hope you do find the energy to complain. Best wishes and fingers crossed that you don't have to go to hospital again any time soon. xxx

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toAlberta56

Thank youAlberta

HollyBoyd profile image

That was a dreadful experience, Alice, thankfully you were allowed home after nearly a day freezing cold, pretty despicable treatment. I only hope your relating it here will have helped you overcome the ordeal and can now move on and regain your strength. Thinking of you and sending love xxx❤️

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toHollyBoyd

Thank you hollyboyd

Izb1 profile image

Oh my word Alice what a bloody shambles our nhs is in. I am sorry for you and hope you get back on your feet quickly. Sadly i have had quite a few trips with my Mum to A & E when she was alive and have become quite intolerant of their attitudes and lack of care. I do hope you get better soon, plenty of rest and lots of tlc x

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toIzb1

We can make excuses for nhs ,but besides they just don't care

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply toAlice70

Its sad isnt it because my rheumy doctor is fabulous and she pulls out all the stops for me and I must admit the eye clinic has been really good, its a shame that all departments can have the same standards x

Jaybird19 profile image

alice that was dreadful . i can only say that the NHS has been run down over so many years and you cannot not fund a organisation and still expect it to work as it should . so we all suffer the patients and the staff. I found that 40 - 50 years ago when it all started to be ignored by all governments. we couldn't get supplies we needed and were continually told to manage with what we had. That was behind the scenes but it affects the whole service .and all the time medical knowledge was advancing . I used to be proud of the service but no longer .it used to e the envy of the world.

It is disgraceful that you were treated like that . you must put a complaint in to pals or perhaps to your MP. Even better both .

strongmouse profile image

Alice, that is such a horrible experience to go through.

My, limited, experiences of A and E have been varied, depending on how busy they are (weekends tend to be very busy!) and how good the staff on duty are, ranging from not good, to really good. You have written eloquently of the poor care you had and it isn't right that you were treated like this.

Do hope that you are now on the mend and can soon put this experience behind you.

If you feel up to it you can complain, telephone or write, to the hospital with the help of PALS (Patient Advisory Liason Service) and write to your MP. You never know it might help to improve services. If I need to go to hospital I have a written summary of my health conditions, medication etc. ready in case it is needed.

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply tostrongmouse

Glad you have told me what pals stands for ,I will shortly look into it,I am feeling much better thank you for Hope's for me

tomhatha profile image

No I'm in Essex it was Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford. I used to praise the doctors but this one put me off that hospital, I just can't believe they would just let you die and not try to revive you. I hope that's just a one off . I used to do a lot of work in Wales port Talbert ,etc and I loved the people their great memories.

Sutton5 profile image

Oh Alice , that’s terrible, but so many hospitals are the same. You have not been treated with any dignity. My family fall out with me for not going for help but that’s the reason you go down for help or oxygen, get left for hours still no oxygen. Sent home with antibiotics. So sorry to hear you had Covid also but don’t worry you wouldn’t have spread any. If you had been treated correctly, my daughter and son had Covid they isolated and were terrified I got it, myself and other 2 daughters never contracted it. You rest. And take care. X

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toSutton5

Thank you sutton

Lfcpremier profile image

So sorry to read of your experience Alice. Really is unnacceptable the lack of care shown. I'm glad you are on the mend but when you feel better you should complain or point out how the hospital could improve. Only by taking a stand will we improve the dreadful situation we are in. Take care! Linda x

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toLfcpremier

Thank you Lfc

Ergendl profile image

What a horrible experience you went through. Hoping you start to feel better really soon. Big virtual ((((hugs)))).

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toErgendl

Thank you Ergendl

teenieleek profile image

Both your and Tom’s stories are awful. Until you have to experience the NHS directly you don’t realise how bad things are. The snail’s pace at which anything happens is past frustrating, it’s demoralising and so difficult to cope with when you’re unwell or worried. It feels so haphazard most of the time; a matter of luck whether you get a scan or x-ray, luck whether you see a relevant doctor, luck whether you leave with your medicines or they arrive by taxi next day, luck whether any follow-up happens. Deeply worrying for all of us.

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