My husband been given levofloxacin 500mg twice a day for stenotrophomonas pseudomonas. He has had a lot of different antibiotics to no avail. This seams a high does as the normal for this is 500mg once a day. The respiratory team did get blood test done to see if ok to take . Has anyone else had these tablets and did they work . Thank you
Stenotrophomonas pseudomonas - Lung Conditions C...
Stenotrophomonas pseudomonas

It’s actually called stenotrophomonas maltophilia, or steno for short - it was reclassified in 1993, but prior to that it was called steno pseudomonas. The reason it was reclassified is that it’s not a pseudomonas at all, but it’s found in similar environments as pseudo (hence why it was originally classed as one), and it’s an emerging, increasingly problematic, opportunistic bacteria. We’ve had repeat dealings with it with my teen with cf over the last couple of years, and it actually made her quite unwell on two occasions until it was treated; it’s not automatically considered pathogenic in cf, so treatment wasn’t initially offered until it became apparent it was definitely making her ill. It has high levels of natural resistance to several classes of antibiotic, so the only really effective oral option is considered to be cotrimoxazole, but I would hope that they’ve prescribed levofloxacin on the back of the culture sensitivity profile. Levo is a fluroquinolone, which is the same family of antibiotics as ciprofloxacin (the oral treatment for pseudomonas) and although some strains are resistant to levo, it can be useful if the steno is resistant to cotrimox. We’ve not used it to date ourselves, but in reading around it in relation to multi drug resistant pseudomonas last year, my understanding is that it has a similar profile to cipro in terms of side effects. It can be given twice a day for a number of purposes, including for exacerbations of lung disease.
Fingers crossed it does the trick, but if it doesn’t and he hasn’t already been tried on it, I would ask them about cotrimoxazole.
Great explanation Charlie.

Thank you
I have just finished Levofloxacin 500 x 1 per day for 10 days, prescribed for haemophilus Influenzae in my sinus, ear and throat and lung, they did not test the sputum for pseudo even though I have had that.It has helped my sinus but I still have earache, I wondered if 2 Levo per day would have helped me more but the side effects would have been worse - tendon pain, gut upset and you can’t go out in the sun to get some vit d, annoying because it was sunny while I took it, you can bet it will rain now that I have finished it!
I had pseudomonas infection and I was given a course of Ciprofloxacin. I get pain in my right rib, and it is affecting my postural breathing. Any ideas? Not caused by anti biotics. Cliff.
I have been put on lexofloxina a few times for lung infection but I don't think it works for me 500 a day I have been on antibiotics many times over the years and think I am immune to.most of them.Not sure what they will do next time.Ragrug