Sorry to be a pain,had 2 weeks tazocin as allergic to ciproflaxin,3 weeks later full of joint pain and horrible tasting phlegm ,have just been diagnosed with pseudomonas aureginosa and am seeing consultant on Wednesday re next cause of treatment.Feels like moraxella bug is back however this did not show in my hospital sputum sample as had 2 weeks of amoxiclav prior to Ivs .Could this bug come back so soon or is it just the pseudomonas need additional treatment!Thanks for all help !
Pseudomonas and bronchiectasis - Lung Conditions C...
Pseudomonas and bronchiectasis

Hi Tinker sorry to hear about your problems. I have bronchiectasis with pseudomonas I was told I have to take ciprofloxacin as nothing else works even though they do not agree with me and make me ill they lowered my dose but I think they give me inflammation first time my knee second time inflammation of the pelvis. I think you are lucky and are being looked after very well. Can't answer your question of next course of treatment but would like to know how you get on. Good luck xx
Thanks for your reply ,but dr wouldn’t give me cipro any more as tendonitis in shoulder and ankles started ,best wishes xx
I can see why the doctor wouldn't want to give cipro. I was on a related drug whilst on a horrible "holiday" (read: hospital tour) in the USA 3 years ago and I ruptured my right achilles tendon which was horrendously painful and still causes problems to this day. I still do take cipro at times (right now actually) but I have to be extremely careful and it's a calculated risk which some might prefer not to take.
Pseudomonas is a little devil. Tazocin is usually the first go to IV drug but doesn't always do the job. Meropenem is usually the next. My con uses colomycin and meropenem togethet. Your con will decide. I hope it does the job this time.

Can I still work Littlepom as have been off 5 weeks due to hospitalisation and for follow up treatment when on iv drugs
That is very much up to you and your con. It depends on what kind of work you do and how you feel. IV antibiotics can really knock the stuffing out of you.

Hi ‘tis me just read this and noted that pseudo not found in sputum ?. How is it picked otherwise as they can’t find anything in my sputum but I know I have got something going on but bloods don’t show infection or sputum so just wondered littlepom xxx carol
Hi Carol, yes it is picked up in sputum. Sometimes the lab tests don’t find it because the numbers are very low. I think I asked in the last pm why they keep treating you for pseudo when it is not showing up in numerous tests. Not good.

Hi littlepom there is definitely something going on the mucus so thick it neither wants to come up or go down it’s bloody awful battling with it

It now feels like it’s stuck at the back of my throat or esophogus...

I have seen my consultant and he is putting me on nebulised saline to start and if Pseudonoma returns ( last sample proved negative 🙏) I will be given self administered drugs at home and nebbed antibiotics .You were right Littlepom when you said IV drugs are intensive just suffering from the most painful strep throat... more abs x
Ouch! So sorry about the strep throat. Soooo painful. I am nebulising saline ( and ventolin in the morning) now because my lungs will not tolerate any of the nebbed antibiotics. So if I get really poorly my options are try cipro and if no improvement after 7 days attempt to put into action my new system of home IVs.
Doctors are slowly coming to the conclusion that pseudomonas hates saline and that it is somewhat effective at keeping it down. I was told this 20 yrs ago by a registrar who is now a senior cf expert. It has never been an official treatment for that because no research has been done because saline costs pennies. Not worth it for drug companies. At present there is a study comparing saline with carbocysteine. Not sure what will come out of that.
I hope that the good old saline helps to keep you off the abs.

Thanks again,the Dr is taking me off carbocysteine as I don't produce very much mucus only when I'm in the throws of an infection we'll see how things go ,just have to wait for appointment to 'train' me on use of nebuliser x
They are so funny- how much brain do they think we have? Make sure you listen carefully now! I can't take carbocysteine. It makes me feel sick.
Hi Tinker26
I have Bronchiectasis and pseudomonas and took cipro for so long that the big became resistant to it. My consultant gave me 2 weeks self administered iv antibiotics tazocin and ceftazine. After that I started nebulised colomycin and have been doing that for the last year. I had 5 months infection free then get pneumonia last December. I have had another three infections this year and have taken co amiclav for these. Good luck x
Thanks for your reply ,do you think the colomycin is helping?
Yes I think it is keeping the pseudomonas at bay. I think the recent infections are something else possibly the result of a cold. I am also immune deficient and my infections sometimes start in my sinuses. Someone said on this forum recently that they thought once the pseudomonas had been bought under control it left the lungs open to other infections and I think there may be some truth in that. I have always been told that the only oral antibiotics for pseudomonas is cipro so if you are unable to take this nebulised antibiotics are probably your next step. I would be interested to know how you get on.
Hi nooks, I really do feel my infection is in my sinus but just can’t seem to get rid I have no immune system either so it’s like fighting a losing battle thanks x
Thankyou,will let you know after my meeting with the consultant on Wednesday x