Hi, can I get some advice please on the above?
I have had bronchiectasis for many many years which has steadily worsened to it's current level. My lungs have been colonised with pseudomonas since last October. In July 2017 I had a spell in hospital after coughing up pure blood continuously for about 15 mins. That was due to an infection. I was given the 3 month elimination regime of oral ciprofloxacin, nebulised gentamicin and massive doses of celtazadine through a pic line. Needless to say this did not work as the little devils were hiding during the first two sputum samples, giving me false hopes. I am to decide whether to go back on the gentamicin nebuliser twice a day for life, (however long that might be!). I am now 65 and take azithramicin 3 x weekly and inhalers daily. I am concerned at having an antibiotic so often in case the pseudo becomes totally resistant leaving one less of a meagre few drugs to tackle it ? Can anyone who has either taken or refused this route advise me please?
Thank you