Do you take carbocisteine to loosen t... - Lung Conditions C...

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Do you take carbocisteine to loosen the phlegm in your lungs?

sarcoid123 profile image
28 Replies

I have traction bronchiectasis (the mucus collects in the holes in my lungs caused by sarcoidosis scarring). I have been taking carbocisteine for several years to loosen the mucus/phlegm in my lungs to make it easier to cough up.

Can you tell me me please how many carbocisteine you take each day. I have been taking two, three times a day and nebulising with 7% saline solution usually twice a day, and then doing Active Cycle of Breathing Technique ACBT so that I cough up the phlegm. This has always been OK but recently I have three times woken in the middle of the night and had to do a full nebulising to cough up the mucus/phlegm even though I had done it and ACBT before I lay down to sleep. I wonder if two tablets three times a day is more that other people take.

Does anyone take anything different to loosen the mucus/phlegm?

I drink plenty of water during the day.

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sarcoid123 profile image
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28 Replies
Kristicats profile image

I buy NAC and take 600mg twice a day. Works well .I have emphysema and traction bronchiectasis .

Spacecat1 profile image
Spacecat1 in reply to Kristicats

What is NAC. Will it help with phlegm stuck in throat.

Kristicats profile image
Kristicats in reply to Spacecat1

NAC is a natural product I use it to keep mucus thin.

I take it in place if carbocisteine

stamford1234 profile image
stamford1234 in reply to Spacecat1

I find it helpful with shifting mucous. Works quite quickly too

nozosoph profile image
nozosoph in reply to Kristicats

Hi Chriskho, if you are buying NAC yourself does that mean that your GP or consultant has not prescribed it to you and do they know you take NAC? Do you take any other medication. I have Pulmonary Fibrosis and take two Carbocisteine morning and night.

Kristicats profile image
Kristicats in reply to nozosoph

Yes I buy it online my resp physician thinks it’s a good idea. Also agrees with me taking vitamin D.

I also use a flutter device if I feel I’m starting to get thicker sputum.

nozosoph profile image
nozosoph in reply to Kristicats

Thank you Chriskho, good to hear that you are well. Keep up the good work. LOL

Damon1864 profile image

I only take two tablets twice a day, I used to them tree times daily but they reduced them. I drink lots of water and never seem to have any problems, have another word with your GP or nurse see what they say. Please let us know how you get on, have a lovely day and stay safe 😊 Bernadette xx xx 🌈

2greys profile image

"Two three times a day reduce to two twice a day when condition improves" is what is written on the label. So it can vary depending on how thick it might get, at the moment I am doing two three times a day, which is only just enough. Normally I just take it twice.

Spacecat1 profile image

I take carbestine 3 × daily 2 tablets mine is copd phlegm stuck in back of throat lungs completely clear. I have for the past woke up feeling as though choking with phlegm I have to huff through my mask. Trying head over bowl. Waiting for respertory nurse to ring to talk about using a Acapella flutter to help shift it

tomc profile image

I take one capsule 4xa day plus nebs and saline.

Bronchiectasis and Emphysema with a little bit of Asthma thrown in.

I too have problems choking and throat closing with mucus in spite of doing active breathing But I have horrendous pain from the acid reflux.. gerd.

I have stopped eating...except for a magnitude of pills (non alcoholic) although, I may try that as well :-)

I always thought Acapella was a dance (which there was no chance of me doing) but no, it is a very useful device to help shift the mucus.

See your COPD nurse for useful help and ask for Pulmonary Rehab.

I know this is not a direct answer to your question, but the advice I and others have given you will certainly help you to get the best of help. NHS ...

Calm7 profile image
Calm7 in reply to tomc

It may help to eat an apple for acid reflux, chewing lettuce also helps me. You need to have more alkaline foods to stop acid reflux. Less acid foods. You can find lists on the web. I have fruit for breakfast, nothing acid.

Would love to hear how you get on.

tomc profile image
tomc in reply to Calm7

Thank you for the tip.

The problem with me is : Hiatus hernia : gerd and a very active ileostomy bag.

Doesn't matter what I eat, it just comes out within half an our.

I am in constant pain with lungs and back BUT ....Life still is good.

Stay well and happy as Ken Dodd said.

" happiness oh Happiness , the greatest thing that we possess, I thank the Lord that we've been blessed with more than our share of Happiness "

Oshgosh profile image

I take 2 Carbocysteine twice a day.

I used to just have asthma,then told nsip

Non. Specific Interstitial pnemonia.

S Tomc mentioned,I have an acapella,the physio from pulmonary rehab obtained it for me.

It works well for me.

F the phlegm is a bit thick,I use it more. You can use the cycle Of active breathing.

Smetmes I use thethe acapella along with my nebuliser,it’s a bit of a sort of have to put the acapella through the side of he respiratory physio said t was ok t o do this

I hope you find a solution on this replies.

Stay safe.

It sounds as though you are producing more mucus than you usually do and that despite your best efforts and regular routine, this is collecting at night. This kind of change can be a sign of an exacerbation which needs a course of antibiotics to get you back to normal. I hope that helps.

Redrum46 profile image

I to have same condition my doctor said up to 4 a day reduce if u don’t deed them I try to stick to 2 or 3 but wen it is sticky and I carnt get it up my cough is hard and it hurts so I go to 4?

MissKota profile image

I take two twice a day and do physio - active breathing to bring up the phlegm. I sleep on a ramp but invariably slide down and find a lot of phlegm / mucus shifts at night. Whether this is down to postural drainage, I don’t know.

stamford1234 profile image

I use acetyl-cysteine which I get in Italy over the counter in 200 mg crystals to mix with water and drink and two a day is fine. However I went to buy some one day and the pharmacy only had prescription strength in stock, they were 600 mg and she was adamant that I only use one a day. Hope this helps.

ssafa profile image

I take 2 tablets 3 times a day and it seems to work for me fingers crossed.

absmith profile image

Hi I have the same condition the lung specialist told me take 2 tablets 3 times a day ,only told in January I have this and that I have had it for many years I thought I the condition I had was Copd not been able to see him for more tests with lockdown thanks mandy

Response profile image

My mum takes 2 carbocisteine 375mg three times a day too - (and does ACBT, she has 0.9% nebuliser 5ml twice a day - it was prescribed 2.5 4 times a day but that was so restrictive that she copied what she had in the hospital which was 5ml). (I think she has a few big holes in her lungs but her bronch is more the just wide type)

Perhaps the lock down is reducing your exercise? As the physio says to walk walk walk!

Do you change your position during the night?

Response profile image

Ps - my mum also has an acapella (given by the phsio) - which she was told to blow into (for her max 10 times in the day) and it really helps bring up the phlem. (She usually uses it about 10 mins after the nebuliser and several times a day when her sats get a bit low or if she has issues with breathing)

lKeith profile image



I take Carbocisteine 2No tablets twice a day First thing AM, I use an acapellow (Flutter) machine with them.Available from Amazon about £7.00 After approx 10/12 mins the mucus starts to move and is gone for the time being. When it returns I use just the flutter machine.

Then at night take down the tablets, leave for a few mins then use the flutter machine to get it up before going to bed.

I have an adjustable bed that supports my back so that I sleep upright, the mucus doesn't build up quite as much which makes it easier to move. With out the adjustable bed use a host of pillows to keep you upright. It takes some getting used to but it keeps my chest fairly clear of mucus. Try it.


beejaykay profile image

beejaykay,I have COPD and I had a mini s troke about a year and a half ago.I take Carbocystein ,2tablets twice a day and it seems to have moved the phlegm from my chest to where I clear my throat.AHEM!!!!.This has relieved me very affectively.BJK

Bardear profile image

I have asthma/COPD- never seen a consultant - other than first admission to hospital 4 years ago (no follow-up)- so don't know what else I have.

I take Carbocisteine375mg. 2 x three times a day. Carbocisteine is also available in liquid form in an exciting irresistible flavour of gooseberry to tease your taste buds. Don't know if there are other flavours.

Just maybe a trial of the liquid form may help you better - worth a try - chemist has to order this in especially so I have been told.

I also find that when trying to cough up the phlegm I have to thump my chest but not too hard. This usually works for me.

I also nebulise 5mg. Ventolin but only once a day and I do this about an hour and a half before bed.

Better soon xxxx

goat-lady profile image

Hello I have an interstitial lung complaint and asthma. I take carbocystiene 1 twice a day for maintenance, and up it to 2x3 times when I need to. Tried stopping it- disaster - so defo works for me. I do lots of exercise to and physio breathing things when necessary to. Hope this helps.

sarcoid123 profile image
sarcoid123 in reply to goat-lady

Thank you for your reply. Could you let me know please what is "physio breathing " How do you do it? Did a physio teach you?

goat-lady profile image
goat-lady in reply to sarcoid123

Hello I went on a pulmonary rehabilitation course -and had a bit of physiotherapy in hospital when I had bird flu. It's the phlegm clearance techniques they teach- "huffing" I think it is known as. Really works. Hope this helps.

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