Hello everyone! i am very sorry for the essay.
For those who want the quick version: long story short - URI Jan 2013 - excessive phlegm (easy to swallow) had URI 4 more times and now have rattling sound in exhalation and its probably phlegm. i need to move this. HELP MEH.
So, i made an account to try and basically treat myself since the Doctors help about as much as the cough medicine.
i have no idea if this is the right community, but it seems the closest to my problem since i don't technically have a 'diagnosis' or as the Doctors say, 'it's normal'. First off, I am aware that unfortunately it's not cut and dry - i also know that i don't have a terrible illness and i am otherwise perfectly well, (sort of), but this is something that at 16, (had it since January last year) i do not want, nor have time for. My A -levels start in September, and this is not helping me prepare.
Basically, i first had a upper respiratory infection back in Jan 2013, where the phlegm was so ridiculously thick and sticky i would choke until somehow (i still don't know how i did it) i coughed it up, i had that for a week, however i was left with constant excessive phlegm, but the consistency of thick saliva, so i could just bring it up and then swallow. again. Ew - but i figured i could deal with it. I then 3 months later around March got it again, and i was so bad we went to a walk in clinic. After a week i was fine, and i had excessive phlegm again. I got it again. To be honest the date has left me but i know i got it again that year, probably august.
At this point i gave up on the Doctor, who told me, as i sit there not fully breathing but i had only 1 hour earlier been screaming and crying outside hacking and re-swallowing this catarrh, that is was 'normal' and there was nothing he could do. I go home, choke, choke some more, literally sleep on this ball of crap for 3 days with crying etc etc, until i beg my mum to either knock me out or take me to the A&E so they can suck it out or something. she went to the pharmacy and got Benylin cough medicine - thankfully (although whether it actually helped i dont know) half an hour later - i choke but manage to cough it this rather large extremely thick yellow almost like glue phlegm - and i recovered after the week.
Yet again, I got it in April this year - i swear i was going to find this cough medicine and drink the bottle i was so scared and tired. I waited it out, it stopped after a week - excessive phlegm. i then got it during my GCSE's but thankfully no thick phlegm - this time it was sticky and sometimes choking but not thick (the first time??) and i waited that out - back to normal excessive phlegm, until now, for the past 2 weeks i have had this sticky phlegm that wont go away, is yellow in the morning and coats my throat, i have bad breath constantly and i have lost weight. ^^ i might add that each time i would refuse to eat so every episode i would lose a stone and not quite put on the same.
I cannot deal with this anymore! i was supposed to go out on holiday with my friend, i can't because i'm constantly coughing, and only recently started eating because i just got to weak. i am trying to have this propolis stuff, and some of that vitabotics to try and replenish my strength. i literally just got some carbocisteine - but i don't have weeks to get rid of this ball of phlegm i can feel in my throat. As i write this, i am swallowing and feeling something in my throat - i might add NOT lungs - i have tried huffing (and whenever i deeply exhale (like a low growl) i can hear this rattling that i am sure if phlegm - its been there since monday and i'm starting to panic)
For gods sake will somebody tell me how to at least shift this! i am positively trembling at the though of coughing whatever it is i can hear on my voice box up, but if i can get rid of this i can at least deal with excessive saliva! i have tried eucalyptus oil, inhaling steam, menthol, propolis, apple cider vinegar, water, huffing, benylin, vicks, i even got a nasal spray that did nothing and im pretty sure i have post-natal drip too. im considering Silent reflux - my mum has acid reflux. i dont think it's asthma, although recently i got an inhaler, because i had to some chest tightness but it does not get worse with exercise and i am only getting this once or twice in a week or often a month (before all this i would sometimes be sitting and get this random short of breath thing but then it would go so ??? )