Hi. I'm new to this site and have been reading the posts with interest as I also get times when, if even a small bit of spittle or a food crumb touches the back of my throat, I struggle to breath, and have almost passed out a couple of times. Recently I have woken up unable to breath, with a wheezing, rasping sound from my throat and have struggled to get air into my lungs - which my doctor says are clear and said it was a viral infection! - I then cough lumps of mucus and phlegm, the first lot brown, for ages until I can at least get enough air into my lungs to sit quietly. I did see a site:
with a variety of remedies which I am going to try as soon as the shops open (writing this at 6:45 am as woken by the problem) and I'll let you know if any are worth trying.
Take care.