Frothy and sticky transparent mucus - Lung Conditions C...

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Frothy and sticky transparent mucus

FluffyKittens profile image
13 Replies

Hello Friends,

Im 25 y/o and have been a smoker for 6 years. I never had any problems until fall 2019 where i started to cough up white frothy (very bubbly) mucus. I stopped smoking, started doing breathing exercises.. but the phlegm didnt stop. Consistency varies from liquid frothy to thick transparent, sometimes ball shaped, sticky mucus. Frequency is.. every single day. Morning and night, i spit out loads if im out walking or cleaning..

Once i spat bright red blood out and had sharp ribcage pain, so I ran to the doc. I had a chest ct scan, they said i have a minor collapse of bottom left lung and on the other a small nodule. Doctor seemed to be clueless as the cause of my phlegm or the blood in it.. gave me steroid inhaler that did nothing. A heck of a lung specialist..

Anyone out there with a similar problem..? Nowadays i get eventual pain on bottom of the lungs that comes and goes.. no problem breathing but persistent phlegm. I cough on purpose only to get it out, so I wouldnt say i have A cough.

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FluffyKittens profile image
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13 Replies
Damon1864 profile image

Hi Fluffy kittens, and welcome to the site, I personally don't have this problem but I'm sure someone will be along soon to help you. Hope you keep posting as there are so many Wonder and caring people here we love a laugh but also support each other. Have a lovely day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx

hypercat54 profile image

I guarantee it is the smoking which is causing this. Most people don't cough a lot when they smoke but they do once they stop. Some like me and you cough a lot when smoking. Bright red blood is caused by violent coughing when it causes a small vein to pop.

I will tell you what my doctors said to me just a bit older than you. Some people can smoke all their lives without ill effects, but you are one who won't get away with it. Guess what? They were dead right. I triggered off asthma in my early 30's, followed by copd (lung disease) in my 50's.

Stupidly I said I can't give up as I am too addicted and ignored their warnings and carried on. I did believe them but decided it probably wouldn't happen to me - well I was wrong and it did!

You will find yourself in the same position unless you stop. I guarantee it. So if you want to be stupid like me then carry on smoking and you will find out for yourself in time.

However if you are sensible then pack it in. You will then have a much healthier life than I do and many of the ex long term smokers/current smokers on here. And I never suffered a partially collapsed lung from it either. But I did get endless chest infections ...

I don't apologise for not pulling any punches as you need a sharp wake up call now.

There is a very good site on here called 'Quit' who will help you stop and stay stopped so why not join it?

hypercat54 profile image

Oh I am also going to add that I am not another person just saying give up and trying to make you feel bad for finding it very hard. You need people around to support you and tell you that you can do this and you are strong. Instead you have probably got everyone around you saying just stop or it's easy, or no sympathy. This is my experience too, and most smokers.

I know from experience that running someone down does NOT help anyone give up, in fact it makes it harder as it is too easy to believe the naysayers and that you aren't adequate to the task. Or you put it off until another day. I know all the tricks we use to deny ourselves....on that I am am an expert - trust me.

The Quit site will build up your confidence and support you all the way to stay stopped. With some support and help you will find it easier to stop.

FluffyKittens profile image
FluffyKittens in reply to hypercat54

Thank you hyper cat. Its just what i needed to read. I have stopped smoking every day since fall 2019, but I live with two smokers who think my condition is “nothing” and are always offering me it.. Its not a great environment, Im moving next year. I do fight it, but when Im having a bad day I give in. Its just like you say, some people wont be affected.. but thats not me! Thank you for your reply and your honesty. I will have a look into The Quit Website

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to FluffyKittens

Hi and welcome. It isn't easy to quit smoking but a lot of us have managed it in the end so don't quit quitting. Sooner or later you will be an ex smoker no matter how many times you fall back. Best wishes to you.

Alberta56 profile image

Hello Fluffy. Welcome to the forum. Good luck with quitting smoking- you have been one of the unlucky ones. Try to educate your house mates. I've never had to give up smoking, because I never started, but I know how difficult it is when you try to lose weight and get lots of unhelpful comments from your friends and family.

Thepainterswife profile image

I agree with everything that’s been said Fluffykittens Both I and my husband smoked for many years years ago , I never ever coughed , had chest infections or any other ill effects Geoff on the other hand had a truly awful cough by the time he was 30 especially in the morning when the sound of him coughing and retching used to make me feel sick 🤢 I was constantly telling him to give up but same old story he never believed it would become a real problem - how wrong he was 😪. My grandson who is exactly your age was also just like you too having smoked for about four years ( and not that many per day ) he was constantly coughing, sounded like he was barking ! Aged 20 he used an E cig for about 6 months and then gave that up too and is now cigarette and cough free 😃. It is difficult to give up when you live with smokers but can be done , I did it whilst Geoff was still smoking but maybe move as soon as you can as smoke in the atmosphere won’t do you any good even if you yourself don’t smoke . Get away from the smoke and your health should improve dramatically , good luck xx

Lyd12 profile image

Sounds a lot like my condition, very sticky, can’t spit it out, have to pull it out with my fingers. I have had bronchiectasis for about twenty years now and I am 87. Have stopped going out, I get very breathless just going from room to room. Get pain in chest and back sometimes, take paracetamol. Don’t like to blame the booster jab but do seem worse since having it. Have always done the daily lung clearance but seems unnecessary now, I am coughing up all day! Love Iris x

GintyFerguson profile image

Was brought up until aged 10 in smoky household then smoked at 16 until my mid 20s. Problems started soon after. Have to say that now cig smoke irritates my lungs terribly. Many years later I'm living with asthma and bronchiectasis . Getting the right diet, medication, physio and respiratory specialist advice is vital in my view. Above all I have to stay away from fresh paint, smoke and pollution. Good luck!

Fircone profile image

I think you will find you are one of the lucky ones FluffyKittens. You have been given an early warning sign and if you can stop smoking now you will not have to spend your middle or later years struggling to breathe and on oxygen. You have your whole life ahead of you go and enjoy it🤗

pasquino profile image


The same happened to me , my GP dismissed the problem as a "lung cleaning" after giving up.

Please, do yourself a favor, invest a small sum on a PRIVATE visit with a specialist and DO all the exams privately , regardless of cost.

This will exclude serious problem and will give you peace of mind in a short time , otherwise in the actual situation it will take months on the NHS.

Of course i am pretty sure that it will reveal itself as a minor problem , but there is non point in taking chances when it comes to lungs.

Best wishes


Superzob profile image

I have this constantly having never smoked, and it appears to be a combination of late onset asthma and fixed small airways obstruction; the asthma is probably causing the overproduction of mucous, and the COPD is restricting its removal.

I guess having smoked, your lungs will be sensitised in possibly the same way as asthma sufferers and, consequently, produce the mucous. I can't comment on the "minor collapse", but it is common to damage the throat when coughing (or clearing mucous) and release blood that way. I'm surprised at the "cluelessness"; there are a number of standard medications for mucous production. If the mucous is thick and difficult to cough up, then carbocysteine may be prescribed, together with the use of the "Huff" technique (which physiotherapists teach). Thinner mucous may be reduced by Montelukast or N-acetyl cysteine (available from health shops).

The steroid in the inhaler might reduce the phlegm in time if it is caused by sensitivity, otherwise a long-acting bronchodilator (LABA) might help - many standard inhalers have both. Antimuscarinics like tiotropium might also be effective in your case.

I would suggest you persevere with the inhaler but also, at the same time, try to get a more definitive diagnosis of your symptoms and/or persuade a GP to prescribe some of the other relevant medications which I have suggested, at least for a trial period.

Good luck!

Boneytony1 profile image

Hi Fluffy KittensI cannot really help as I have Bronchiacits which has a similar effect with flem etc . I have had this for over 45 years, as there is no cure short of a lung transplant, so I have learned to manage it as well as possible.

I do normal deep breathing exercises morning and night which clears most normal product.

You have no need to worry if the flem is bubbly/clear just something we have to put up with,

the time to consult your doctor is when it thickens and becomes a greenish or other colour.

I have only been in hospital twice in all these years for treatment.

My consultant also recommended regular walks that also helps to clear your lungs;

I hope this may be of some help to you!

All the best

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