Hi, I am still learning about bronchiectasis and how to treat and manage it to minimise deterioration. My gp was happy to prescribe carbocysteine and Mucoclear and I have found this helps loosen the phlegm in my lungs so I can clear them to some extent. I am current taking just 4 carbocysteine per day (down from 6) and nebulising just 1 x 4ml ampoule of Mucoclear per day. The initial prescription is running out and I want to ask if I can get repeat prescriptions of these. But are there any issues with continuing these treatments for a longer period? My condition seems stable currently and I don’t know if continuation of the meds will eventually help to the extent that I don’t need them, or whether discontinuing them would put me back to having thick phlegm that won’t move. Happy to hear from anyone who has been in a similar situation and can advise.
Carbocisteine and Mucoclear - Lung Conditions C...
Carbocisteine and Mucoclear

you should be able to get both on permanent repeat as they help you clear the mucus. I nebulise salbutamol, atrovent and 0.9 saline and that is the best for me. It depends which helps most. There is also acetalcysteine which is a fizzy drink in tablet form. This acts like carbocysteine ( which I can’t tolerate).Quite a few people on this forum have that on repeat.
I’m so pleased you’ve found something which suits you and can get it on repeat. I presume the mucoclear you’re using is 3%, because any higher concentration would need to be tested at hospital, to ensure your airways don’t overreact. I use 7% saline. Carbocisteine does nothing for me, but as Swizzy says, we’re all different.
I suspect you’ll have to stay on these now, to stop the thick mucus clogging your lungs & getting infected, but at least it works 😊
Hi, yes it’s 3% hypertonic saline. I think it’s strong enough for me and I’m not using much. Just good to have something to shift things a bit. I’ve also requested a referral to a specialist at Brompton, so I hope to get a proper management plan in by place sometime. The advice from people on this site has been invaluable.
I take carbocysteine + nebulise hypertonic saline 7%. If I have occasions where feel flooded with mucous,I'll temporarily reduce dose,& it too thick I can increase carbocysteine temporarily,with agreement of drs.otherwise, i find it best to continue with routine
I've been nebulising 6% mucoclear Twice a day for 2 years, I've also been taking carbocistine for nearer 3 years... so long term use should be fine
Thanks for all your responses. I’ve learned a few new things regarding these treatments, all useful stuff. Hadn’t realised phlegm could be thinned too much, not an issue I’ve had, quite the opposite. Up until recently I wasn’t on any medication, so I’m a bit nervous about taking things, but needs must.
I've been on Carbocisteine for 5 years now with no ill effects.
Hi it depends what suits you best but carbocysteine can be reduced if you can cope with adjusted dosage as you need with gp consent .I found it affected my stomach but was on it 6yrs .I now have acetylcysteine effervescent tablets 600mg once a day and cope better but I realise it's for the foreseeable future and without it I would be a clogged up mess.As long as you drink plenty and keep mobility it helps shift the mucus and makes your lungs less heavy and feels sluggish.
Thanks Boxermad, my stomach is ok so I guess I’m not intolerant to it, but good to know what side effects to look out for. And good to know there is an alternative, which several people on here seem to opt for. This ‘foreseeable future’ stuff is hard to get my head around. Knowing that I have a condition that won’t get better but could get worse if I’m not careful has completely changed my perception of my life. Apologies is this is a bit philosophic or maudlin for this time in the morning. I’m also feeling a bit bad about the prospect of being a drain on the nhs.
I have had copd bronchiectasis and asthma 10yrs and I have adjusted my lifestyle accordingly and have a good quality of life it did take a couple of years to work out how and what but I know what to do and when now to keep healthy and well.dont settle for half measure live life to the full as you can every day and self preservation is key
hi to you l am on carbocisteinsfor the remainer of my life and since taking them in the last3 months l have found they have helped and yes they are on repeat perscription ...l was taking 6 a day but had to cut it to 3 aday due to side affect...lam not on a nebuliser regular but take trimbow inhaler and when needed ventolin
GP may repeat prescribe or ask the consultant