Sorry, don't mean to brag but, after a great nights sleep, a few puffs of "magic powders", pain killers and a other equally exciting pills and I was ready for the off.
Left "she-who-must-be-obeyed" with her new ironing board (almost the same size as Wales!) and her new stream iron which could compete with the Flying Scotsman for steam generation (and of course about a hundred of my shirts)
The car park was near empty, no sign of walkers, the Highland cows were in lower fields so the dogs can roam free. Suitably attired for the biting Easterly wind, scarf, gloves and a sturdy pair of walking poles this intrepid adventurer stepped through e gate and into the wild country of Derbyshire!
High up on the moors the dogs got bored of being overtaken by a tortoise and two slugs so, after an argument about who owned the stick the Yorkie won and settled down to chew on it watched by my Border Collie.
Arriving at the highest point I decided to descent arriving back at the car just under 2 hours later. You might be impressed until I tell you that the round trip is almost one mile and I used to cycle or walk it in a couple of minutes in my younger, fitter days!
Up there is a sense of solitude, problems are blown away, the air is crisp (scarf solves that) and the views are to die for. I'm sat thinking I need a few days for my legs to recover but hell, it was worth it!
Bring on summer - I'm not too proud to borrow a Tramper or other mobility scooter (except they are no use on the moors!)
Some days are just brilliant.