Not about my wife as is usually the case, but yesterday it was my turn for a cardio check-up. Appointment was at a new clinic, at least new to me, so we went to find the place a few weeks ago. A huge establishment for rehab of patients after serious injury or eart disease etc. etc.
I rany them on Monday to confirm the time and ask about parking the car.
Drive in the main gates and there is plenty of room in the courtyard. Gret I thought.
I arrived just begore 9.00 and the gates were closed. Bugger I thought.
Not a problem as across the road there is a small car park and I noticed one space. Great.
Reason for the space was a very solid stone wall sticking out into the space. I manouvered the car, got out to check that I could get in without scraping the car and eventually managed to fit it in. All this time I`d been looking in wing mirrors and over my shoulder.
I looked out through the windscreen, and the bloody gates were open.
Plenty of time so I decided to extricate the car and drive across the road. It took me even longer to get out than it had to park in the first place. Eventually I was in the courtyard where there was plenty of room.
Into the clinic and immediately spotted 2 signs; Cardiology to the right, Reception to the left. From past experience I went left to Reception, only to see that the roller shutter was only partially open. I rang the bell and someone appeared who I assumed ws a dwarf, before realising she was almost on her knees trying to see underneath the shutter. I adopted a similar position. Good morning, I havean appointment with Dr. Molina. The reply was as I half expected, end of the corridor ans up the stairs, i.e. follow the signs for Cardiology. Climbed the stairs and went to Reception, no roller shutter and two smiling receptionists. One was already dealing with an elderly couple, well as it turned out, about 20 years older than me. the lady d come to have a Holter fitted to ceck on her BP.
She was not impressed as she did not know why her cardio had sent her here. The argumant went back and forth, she did not need/want one, did not want to come back the day after to and it back and despite much reassurance eventually was invited to go into the waiting room and have a think about it. Meanwhil I was handing over ID card. health card plus top up insurance card, plus prescription from my doctor, plus last blood test results, plus any other reports I happened to have. The prescription is given by the GP and you are left to find your own cardiologist. All done and anded back to me and sent off to the waiting room.
The elderly lady was still chuntering and complaining, much to the amusement of the others in the room. There was the elderly couple plus three others including me. At one point I suggested that we had a vote on whether she should have the Holter fitted or simply go home. Young lady found this great way to reduce her blood pressure before going in to her the consultant. I agreed but ponted out that in common with a lot of hospitals the Cardiology department is always on either the first or second floor and by the time you have climbed the stairs you are out of breath and your BP has gone up even higher. Overall a good 45 minutes entertainment. A young nurse appeared and asked the elderly lady to go with her so that she could explin the procedure. That only took about 5 minutes before she reappeared and said quite defiantly I`m not having it, let`s go home Fred.
Once they had left the other lady revealed that she knew the other woman who was as stubborn as a mule so was n`t surprised when she went.
Eventually I was called in had and ecg which was OK, the doctor listened to my heart, made small adjustment to my usual treatment and sent me on my way.
I found my wayy back out and into the car only to see that the gates were closed. Bugger I thought.
Have a good day everybody, Chris.