Letting My Heart Rule My Head... - Lung Conditions C...

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Letting My Heart Rule My Head...

17 Replies

Of course what we ought to have done is simply gone home from the Animal Shelter and perhaps put a wanted notice up on the notice-board in the supermarket for a kitten...

After all, I'm not totally ga-ga and the smell was enough to make you run for the hills, never mind the confusion of seriously scraggy cats roaming about...

The red flags really should have flown in my face the minute we emerged from the car...horror struck by the dilapidated shed from which dogs were frantically barking and alarmed by the sheer number of filthy tin plates, encrusted with days of food, littering the steps and the yard.

All the sick cats with their runny noses and dirty bottoms ought to be kept totally separate from those who appear to still have a fighting chance...

I did see it all...Himself is still talking about it now over a week later...

But I shut my eyes to the shitty floor in the main room...to the over-flowing litter trays...to the skinny cats yowling...the heaps of newspapers and the general disorder...

I had set my heart on having two kittens and two kittens I was going to bring home...

Little Murphy was the only kitten who looked healthy...there was a white one who seemed reasonable until I picked him up and saw his ears were infested with mites and a flea jumped from him onto my hand...and he was sneezing.

The Vet...whose name is Susie...asked where did we get Murphy from and when I told her, her face said it all...

She reeled off the number of people who'd had either an adult cat or a kitten from there...and had to have them put to sleep because they were suffering from practically every cat disease...the ones who survived were few and far between and cost their rescuers large sums of money in getting them bright eyed and bushy tailed again...

Himself is all for reporting the shelter to the council...even though he acknowledges that it's doubtful they'd take any action...they'd have to re-house all the animals that are currently living there...there are five ponies, never mind however many dogs. It's easier for the council and other such official bodies to turn a blind eye...

Did Murphy really come from Dublin? Susie thinks it doubtful...has he really had his first vaccination? There again Susie thinks that highly unlikely when she put his age at about eight weeks rather than the eleven weeks we were told he was...

Our little kitten is in safe hands...if Susie can prevent him from deteriorating any further then she will...but he ought never to have been in contact with sick cats...

I let my heart rule my head...I should have made it no further than the front door...Himself...who has never been terribly keen on cats...is worried about little Murphy...he encouraged him to sit on his shoulder and liked it when he purred and kneaded with little sharp claws...

Susie said to 'phone in the morning...

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17 Replies
mmzetor profile image

I hope he makes a speedy recovery

redted profile image

Awwwwwww,have I missed a post,is Murphy poorly,I hope not bless him.

velvet55 profile image


When your heart ruled your head..remember one thing..when you picked Murphy you gave him the chance of a loving home.

Keeping my fingers crossed for the little chap.

Velvet xx

knitter profile image

My fingers are crossed too.

Is there an equivalent of the RSPCA in Ireland that you could report the refuge to, they should have the resources to help.

Thinking of Murphy tonight

grannyjan profile image

At least one helpless animal now has a chance thanks to you. Report the place to the rspca not the police. Hope he makes a speedy recovery.

Jan x

How awful vashti. I really hope little Murphy makes it and is well again.

If you think there is cruelty going on towards the animals then I completely agree with Himself and that it should be reported to the RSPCA or another official body. I hate cruelty to animals however well intended people are. x

I have just been looking at little Murphy and have been sending him lots of healing vibes. xx

pergola profile image

So sorry about little Murphy. I hope he gets better really quick XX

freefaller profile image


Photogeek profile image

Hi Vashti sorry to hear about little Murphy, I hope your Vet can save him, as he

Looked such a sweet little chap. You must be worried, so I will keep my fingers crossed. Vashti your heart was I. The right place, and that refuge sounds disorganised

And dirty, they may mean well but just cannot cope.

Wishing little Murohy a very speedy recovery.

Hannah x

Azure_Sky profile image

So sorry to hear Murphy is ill. I do hope it is not too late to do something for him. My heart goes out to you.

rubyred777 profile image

Hi Vashti

Just read your post about your little Murphy. I'm so sorry to hear your sweet baby is sick. He's in good hands for sure Vashti. Sounds like a very caring vet. I sure hope the little fella will be alright.

Hope to hear good news about him soon.


Thinking of dear little Murphy and you Vashti. I agree with Himself about the so called shelter, it should be reported. All blessings. Leelee. X.

Nikkers profile image

It's disgusting that these places are allowed to stay open, you should report them to the RSPCA without hesitation.

Many years ago, I put my beautiful Pharaoh Hound into kennels whilst I went to U.S,A, for 3 weeks. When I returned I could hardly recognise her....she had ringworm, was starving and filthy. I did not pay the fees, but took her straight home and reported them. They were closed down within a month.........it took me many months to nurse my poor dog back to health.

I made the mistake of not inspecting the kennels before I let her go there as they offered a collection service. I'd never done anything like that before, so was completely trusting.

peege profile image

God, it sounds like a hell on earth. Poor animals. I do believe neglect is a form of abuse.

I don't know much about cats/kittens but perhaps some similarities with pups? I know that my pups mother had to take worming medication daily for several weeks before her pups were born to prevent them being born riddled with parasites. It was £10 per day.

Flea treatments are vital in that kind of environment because fleas also pass on parasites including tapeworm.

Poor little Murphy, at least you're giving him a fighting chance and I really hope he makes it.

Azure_Sky profile image

Along with everyone else, praying and hoping for good news. Little Murphy really captured your heart. I sincerely hope he can be saved,

Love Azure (((HUGS)))

Wishing Murphy a speedy recovery xx Hope you and Himself are holding up ok. Big hugs xox

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