My daughter brought me my cat few days after my husband died. He had been rescued and taken to a vet after living 6 winter months on a Morrison’s car park. There’s elderly housing by car park and it’s thought owner had died. Vets had operated on side of head and neck think bitten, nursed back to health and where looking for home for him. He settled in very well with me, I’m his butler who opens door etc and feeds him mix of foods and cat treats. He shows his appreciation by bringing dead mice into veranda at side of house, yuk! When he’s not watching, I use a scooper to put it into rubbish bin. Jean x
My cats treats for me: My daughter... - Lung Conditions C...
My cats treats for me

Morrison sounds like a great companion Jean and was clearly meant to be with you. He shows his appreciation by bringing dead mice. Yuck indeed!
Enjoy your day. Xxx❤️💕❤️
Yes not what you want when come downstairs in morning! He was out all night, hasn’t appeared yet. He snoozed on his seat lot of yesterday, so think was planning night out. Jean xxx
My Sooty was not a great hunter, but a couple of times she left goldfinch wings on the doorstep. That was not appreciated.
My pld cat Sebastian (posh name different story!) used to put his "presents IN our wellies! Too late once you had put your foot in!! xx
Horrible, hope you didn’t get caught out more than once! Yes cats have different ways of “thanking” us. Morrison still snoozing whilst I Nebulise.xx
Oh many more times!! xx
The perfect match😹😹😹my cat Moana also known as Mo Mo is a rescue cat, she landed on her feet living in our home.
Talk about servants, we are FIRST CLASS , with a lifetime of cats and dogs condescending to live with us.
Have a happy fulfilling time with your new companion. We wouldn’t b without ours, 2 Puddy cats.
Bernardine 🥰🤗🤗🤗
One of our cats used to leave pairs of legs for us! Another used to behead the mice and leave the bodies! Dear little things, aren't -they - cats!
I would dearly love to have another one but no longer want the hassle or expense of finding a decent cattery when we go away.
Also, alterations to our home have left nowhere for a litter tray to be tucked away where we won't fall over it.
I really do love cats, though. They have such great a d individual characters.
Yours sounds wonderful! Enjoy your gifts!!!
Xx Moy
I too would love another cat as they are relatively independent. Unfortunately, I live on a fast road and could never forgive myself should it be run over. 😒 xx
40 years ago I “inherited” tiny kitten from my daughter, who couldn’t keep it as her landlord didn’t allow pets. He was tiny but grew up to be big. I live near school, lot of traffic, one morning got hit by car, limped into house. Took him to vets who amputated one back leg, and dealt with cuts etc near head. He learned to move on 3 legs and had reasonable life. When about 18 was having trouble getting about, vet gave him injection of steroids to give him few happy weeks. It certainly did, was happy cat, but as his breathing got worse knew his time was up, took him to vets holding him with head near mine, and we said goodbye. Jean x
Ps I try to keep Morrison in at school time, not easy !
Morning, I’m Nebulising and Morrison is fast asleep on his cushion and blanket at end of settee! He chose where he wanted to rest, and was easier than trying alternatives. Was out all night, left me headless little mouse by back door. When go away he can stay in Veranda and neighbour comes and feeds him, never been cattery. Shame you can’t now have cat. Best regards Jean xx
I’m my cats butler too. If you don’t feed I’m when he wants he drives you mad miaowing.
Of course you must never hurt his feelings by letting him see that his gift is not received gratefully. xx
How on earth did this poor little thing survive 6 winters alone. So lovely that your daughter rescued him and gave him to you. I am sure he has given you hours of enjoyment, although I wouldnt want the dead mice and such x
Hi, he survived six months on Morrison’s car park during winter I guess by finding way to get into waste bins etc. Also wonder if few people fed him. Someone took him to vets, perhaps they fed him when could. My daughter happened to see him at vets, 5 days after my husband died. He soon made himself at home, recall when lifted out of cage she brought him in, he rolled over on floor, wanted tummy stroked /tickled after stroked his back. x
Well, it sounds like Morrison found his perfect home when he came to live with you, Jean. So lovely that your daughter decided on a rescue cat, there are so many out there needing homes. As for the gifts they bring, my little "wild' cat excelled herself one morning and brought a mouse complete with the trap it had been caught on, through the cat flap! I told her it was cheating to bring one in that had already been caught😀
so funny, mouse still in trap! And through cat flap. She was very determined to bring you mouse, even if cheating!! Hope you’re still enjoying your cats x
I am, thank you. They are all very different characters and all entertaining in their own ways. The one who brought me mouse and trap is only tiny. Like Morrison, she was abandoned as a kitten and, in her case, didn’t develop as fully as she should have done. Nevertheless, she makes up for that with her feistiness and determination! I’m glad Morrison is good company for you x
It sounds like Morrison has landed right on his paws 😻 How lovely he has come to live with you Jean. What a furry blessing. I am also a cat butler to our 21 year old cat, Mitzi. We rescued her aged 10, she now has kidney disease, cataracts and a bit frail but is still very vocal when food is needed. She used to bring us many dead mice presents, she even gagged up a whole vole which my husband called "a vole in one". Do hope you have many years with Morrison, cats are so therapeutic.