Hi Everyone! I've been looking at previous posts where people have requested help in understanding their lung function test results but can't see any that seem to be similar to mine. I will make an appointment with the doctor for next Monday to get the full story however in the meantime could someone please tell me if this makes sense....
Centrilobular emphysema to upper lobes was picked up in a CT Scan (ordered for other reasons prior to surgery) 15 months ago. I was told the damage was slight/mild but the area significant and that stopping smoking was my best chance of hopefully stopping progression and or maintaining the level of fitness I had.
I immediately stopped smoking (cold turkey and now wished I'd never had one in my mouth) and after recovering from the surgery started a walking regime for exercise. I'm not a couch potato and my day is fairly active and busy anyway. All was good till about 3 months ago when I had a sinus infection that then went to my chest and stupidly I didnt go for anti biotics to clear it quicker. After this infection I noticed I would become somewhat breathless doing things I usually do with ease. I dont use any inhalers or medication though I have been prescribed Seebri breezehaler. (Ventolin showed no amount of improvement in the post LFT so that would rule it out)
In the past few weeks I have had palpitations and a visit to the cardiologist. The halter monitor showed 2,000 extra beats in 24 hours but these were not "sinister" the echocardiogram treadmill effort was rather lame and embrassing but showed no structural heart damage so the cardio said he thought the problem was the lungs and sent me off for a complex lung function test. I did tell him about the emphysema.
The results of this (I asked for a print out which I cant follow anyway duhhhh) have me confused. If anyone can enlighten me I would be very grateful. I thought the stage of COPD related to FEV1 mine is 95%, then it goes downhill I guess, FEV1/FVC % 61 FVC 132% Pred, Diffusion (this looks scary so how can the FEV1 be so good?) DLCO 47% pred. I'm trying to keep my cool but thinking does this low gas exchange figure mean I'm going to expire quicker than I had planned? Can it be improved with medication or specific exercise? I feel like a total howler when I have read how many of you have such low FEV1 and are in severe stages and I'm in a state of panic even though I can still walk (briskly but huffing and puffing) 3 miles most afternoons after a fairly busy day!
Thank you and happy weekend to all Suz xx