Hi there everyone.
I have seen many references on this forum to Lung Function Test Results and thought I had picked up some sort of understanding of this and that, but now that I have the results on paper of my test taken in the Sleep & Respiratory Laboratory at the hospital today, I haven't a clue what it all means! Can anyone offer advice? I did call the BLF helpline to speak to someone today but they said I had to call back next week, due to the nurse being away.
Basically, what are the important things to note on this test? Under the first Subheading 'Spirometry/Flow Volume' I have lots of abbreviations on one side with 'Predicted Value', Observed Pre', % Pred, LL, UL headings at the top. My FEV1 is 3.01, 2.50 and then 77% under each of these headings. Then the FVC is 3.01, 2.50 and 83% Pred. Then FEV1/FVC is 78.79, 79.03 and 100% under the % Pred column.
I don't understand any of it. There are more abbreviations under different sub-headings: Lung Volumes and then Diffusion (SB).
At the bottom are two charts: Flow Volume and Volume Time.
There isn't anything noted at the bottom underneath 'Report'.
I know lots of folk here have had many of these tests so could perhaps offer some help here? This is my second in a year. I didn't understand last year's either!
from a baffled stillmovin1 xx