I used to get a lot of COPD exacerbations - After stopping smoking they got less. After stopping smoking my FEV1/FVC percent rose to the 90% range, Stranhe it had gone from under 50% to over 90%.
However it peaked and in 2 years has gone back to 66% - I am reading this from my medical record on line.
17 Sep 07FEV1/FVC percent56 %
03 Dec 14FEV1/FVC percent84 %
09 Aug 17FEV1/FVC percent66 %
Just three samples I have copied and pasted.
My question is - FEV1/FVC percent66 % mild or moderate?
Above is a sample of how low mySPO2 can go, rare so low but does happen. i only posted the pic as Dr said it was related to COPD at a time when my FEV1/FVC % was not that low.