Hi all
Seen a few posts about this cold going around, but I thought I’d see if I could get some forum feedback on a slight problem I have….
My cold started almost 2 weeks ago with just a sore throat, but after around 5 days, it progressed to my lungs & by the Friday/Saturday, I was coughing badly, bringing up a lot of mucus, rattling & generally feeling rough. I started my emergency pack of steroids & antibiotics on the Saturday morning, but as the day went on, I felt like my lungs were struggling. I tried 111, but they didn’t call back (Saturday night), so on the Sunday, I took myself off to A&E. Covid negative (which matched my lateral flows during the week), my PF was a bit lame, bloods came back with just inflammation markers high, X-ray wasn’t perfect but said as I’d started the antibiotics, they were content with my plan. I went on the nebuliser (salbutamol) for a short period of time, which only helped my PF a small amount.
On the Tuesday, 2 days later, I went to my doctors (as requested by A&E). My lungs still sounded terrible, so another 5 days of steroids - which take me to this Monday (18th)
I’ve had a shocking day again, used my ventolin inhaler & spacer loads, I even did the emergency one puff every minute. It’s helped a touch, but I wouldn’t say I sound perfect & my lungs are still rumbling. My heart rate is super high and has been all day, but I’m happy with sats - roughly 94% - 96%. I’m content the actual infection may have vacated as the sputum is now clear (antibiotics finished yesterday- Friday)
I take: Uniphyllin, Montelukast, Carbesteine & Fostair
I have severe asthma & mild bronchiectasis
To make matters a little worse with how I’m generally feeling, my 19 year old cat died only a month ago, so I’m missing her so much & today I’ve found so hard with being ill for so long. Which no doubt hasn’t helped my breathing. As I completely lose my voice when I cry, super rundown at present.
My dilemma - we go away on Monday just for 4 nights to Yorkshire, mainly to try and heal hearts after our little cat passed away. I’m worried that my lungs are just not going to be ready, or worse still, I’ll end up in A&E whilst away. My husband has also caught this cold that I had, so he is desperate at the moment.
I don’t know what to do and any tips or words of wisdom would be great
Thanks for reading