I have had a chest infection for several weeks now, this is being treated with antibiotics, however it is really affecting my asthma which is not helped by the fact that my hay fever tablets are not working either. Anyway, last Friday I started to cough up thick black stuff from my lungs. nShould I be concerned about this?
Chest Infection coughing up nasty stuff - Asthma Community ...
Chest Infection coughing up nasty stuff

Don't know about coughing up the yukky stuff, sorry but thought I'd send lots of healing hugs, chest infections are rubbish and the pollen at the moment is just ridiculous! nnx
I would say bringing up black stuff is a concern I would book to see your GP ASAP and ask them to send your sputum off for tests. nnGood luck. Hope you feel better soon.
Hope you have got to see your Doc by now and are feeling better?
Thanks for your replies. I've not been able to get to see my GP yet but will do.
I've still got my chest infection and have had loads and still taking antibiotics. My GP has been very helpful indeed. He's prescribed another antibiotic in hope that this will get rid of the chest infection, if this does not work then he's going to admit me to hospital for IV treatment.