I am new to Asthma and this site. (am 43 yrs old)
I am currently on Qvar Easi-Breathe two puffs in morning and two puffs in evening. I also have a ventolin rescuer (thats another story).
History of events
December 2012 - I came down with an awful chest infection/bronchitis (first time in 20 odd years) - several trips to Dr explained had severe trouble breathing on ocassions, just given four lots of antibiotics over the following four weeks.
January 2013 - another chest infection/bronchitis - gave another load of antibiotics again and sent away ! Same breathing problems - total nightmare
Went back to Dr again in January - this time saw a 'nurse Practitioner' why ? because I asked for an appointment with a Dr ! She said your chest sounds clear and your oxygen levels are fine !!! She went to the next room to see the Dr and the Dr told her to say to me 'stop looking at the internet'
I demanded an xray - bang ! had pneumonia in the bottom pat of my left lung.
Back to Dr - complaining I still having moments where I get short of breathe......I had no idea this was asthma and guess what - my Dr did not mention it once and now did the Nurse Practitioner who I have just found out is an 'Asthma Nurse' !!!
I asked to be referred privately to see a chest specialise - thanks to him he ordered another xray and CT scan and both clearly showed up my bronchial tubes are inflamed = clearly asthma and that I had it all my life but mild and havign these bugs have caused it to flare up.
I was fuming beyond belief that my Dr's surgery did not take me seriously - I did not put a complaint in maybe I should because I am in a pretty bad way now thanks to them.
Last Friday I had a bad asthma attack - first time since being on the inhaler - omg so hard and I also care for my two year old twins during the day so it is taking alot out of me. I have had a few more asthma attacks since friday and I feel I can not breathe - I am 100% sure it is the pollen as very high in south east and our cars are covered in it. I am sitting here now struggling to breath. I can not breath deeply and sometimes cant yawn and I have a very very deep wheeze and feel like lots of catarah is stuck deep in my chest.
I am in the process of transfering to NHS from Private to see the consultant but his secretary said it could be two weeks before I am able to get an appointment with him as I des asperately need a review of my medication. I can't see the Asthma nurse at the Dr's because of above- when she told me my chest was clear and oxygen levels fine -clearly not as I had pneumonia ! I walked out of her room in complete frustration because I was not being listened to.
So have no idea what to do - my chest is so tight and finding daytime and night time really bad. Is it normal to be particularly bad on waking tooo ? as I feel terrible. Is the pollen affecting everyone this way ? I keep taking deep breathes and making it so much worse.
I have a huge problem, I am so scared to take the ventolin - when I took it a few months ago I got dizzy (which I can tolerate) but it sent my heart eveywhere and because I already have a heart condition my heart is ultra sensitive to it. Am I doing more damage by not taking it - I have it sitting here next to me and know I need to have it as I have been struggling for breathe every day.
My peak flow at the moment is about 300 or upto 350 sometimes. I have no idea what it normally is as I was never given one before nor a care plan - I had to research myself about Asthma.
Gosh so sorry this is so long this post - if you get to here you deserve a medal lol
Thanks for listening - trying to pluck up courage to take ventolin now - just did ( horrid)
Michelle xx