Hi everyone, while being under Relvar and occasionally Symbicort, I suffer of thrush. Use of soda diluted to water helps. Any other tips? Thanks
Thrush: Hi everyone, while being under... - Asthma Community ...

Try swilling your mouth with salt water. I find that helpful when I have oral thrush.
Gargle, dont just rinse. Thrush likes sugar and dairy products. It doesn't like vinegar. I find daktarin most effective but cant get it. Doc gave me nystan.
Hi Bronchi 1, I used in the past Daktarin oral gel and it was very effective. Unfortunately, I can't find it here in Athens, at the moment. Thank you for your reply.
I like daktarin oral gel too
Hi Patk1, I find also Daktarin oral gel very helpful. Unfortunately, since last year, it's impossible to find it in my country (Athens Greece) and I do not know the reason. Is it available in UK?
Plenty of plain live yogurt daily has really helped me, I have about 250grams daily for breakfast. Also cut out sugar. There's a similar post with great replies a couple of days ago - healthunlocked.com/asthmalu...
Use a spacer I used to get that until I got one prescribed . Hope that helps.🤗🤗
Yes Matrix, that could help... Thank you for your reply. Wish you all the best.
Hi Lourdas/Matrix
Just to say that you won’t be able to use a spacer with Relvar as it’s a dry powder inhaler… 😊
Yes Pipsqueak, you are right. I just found out I can't use it with a dry powder inhaler like Relvar or Symbicort. 😥 Anymore ideas will be appreciated.
Hummm.. sorry - not really any better ideas I’m afraid. I resort to the usual things, such as Daktarin gel, Nystatin or ultimately Fluconazole if I get bad thrush.
As others have also mentioned make sure you gargle after dosing and maybe cut out sugary foods..but sometimes I think it’s just one of those things that sadly goes with inhaled steroid therapy.
Sorry I’m not much help.. good luck 👍
Thank you anyway...As mentioned already, Daktarin gel was very helpful to me, but it has been a couple of years it's not any more available in Greece. Do you know if it is available in UK?
Yes I looked for you and it’s sold in Amazon and other online shops .Just Google it.🤗🤗