Hi, my asthma was under control under my previous meds for the first time in years until I was very poorly with a virus in Nov 2019 and it has worsened since. I have just changed my steroid inhaler to see if this helps but I am still having a episodes which are really new to me. Basically, they occur more at night and in the morning but can happen in the day (it’s happening now). My chest goes tight and I feel as though I’m not getting enough air in my lungs and only do so my breathing very deeply. It’s really uncomfortable and unnerving as there is no trigger. Nothing has changed. It happens on and off, so not every night/morning but sporadically and I just don’t know why! My main asthma triggers are high energy cardio exercise, chest infections/viruses. I’ve not had this before for no obvious reason. What could be the cause of these episodes? I am flummoxed. Has anyone had this? I have been taking my peak flow as the nurse told me to monitor. My base line is 400-450. On the day of one of these episodes it was 300-350 for most of the day so clearly something happening. Saturation levels done though - is that odd? I will go back to nurse to discuss but has this happening to anyone before as in have a new type of episode?
Change in asthma : Hi, my asthma was... - Asthma Community ...
Change in asthma

Your asthma seems quite similar to mine. I have had a bad flareup since end of Jan and have been prescribed two courses of anitibiotics and 3 courses of steroids. The symptoms kept coming back when not taking steroids. A few days ago I spoke to an Asthma UK nurse and realised I am likely to have allergic rhinitis. As recommended I started using steroids nasal spray. I am still coughing and wheezing a bit but not constantly anymore. Hope you get better soon.
Have you seen a respiratory physiotherapist?
No. Not heard of that? Is that to help with breathing technique?
I found this Breathe Freely website through Asthma UK and it has certainly helped me. There are 5 videos of breathing techniques for asthmatic people. On NHS website it mentions about Buteyko breathing being helpful so it's worth having a look.
Yes. Instead of taking deep breaths my physio has taught me to breathe gently with belly breaths to relax all the muscles involved with breathing including shoulders neck jaw and ribs did a few rounds then take a deeper belly breath but still being gentle with yourself, then with an open mouth and throat breathe out imagining a gentle sigh. You can do it standing sitting or lying on your side. Someone also mentioned Asthma UK videos on breathing techniques and also Buteyko breathing which I found helpful.
When my asthma worsened, my respiratory Consultant started me on a Budesonide inhaler, which he said he had had a lot of success with.
Pulmicort is the name of the inhaler.