I think the tree pollen season has starred where I live. My Asthma is definitely very unhappy, and it is linked to the outdoors. Whereas last month my Asthma attacks were more linked to dust etc.
Pollen Season: I think the tree pollen... - Asthma Community ...
Pollen Season

I read a cpl of wks ago it had started early this yr ? Due to global warming.im needing my 2nd antihistamine
I have noticed that the pollen is triggering my asthma (coughing) I use a prescription antihistamine fexofandine. I just started taking it it again this year again. I also take monkelaust for my dust mite allergy. I have to start taking in feb before because of tree pollen. I think it is tree pollen again.
That’s really interesting because at clinic they did allergy tests and did all sorts but I didn’t come up positive for any of them. Yet, a lot of the time I have trouble is in Feb/March! So I am convinced there’s something involved with tree pollen!
Really hoping it doesn’t cause you too many problems 🙏
Or it could be leaf mould from the trees?
I came up negative for everything too and I know I'm allergic to something in spring, presumably trees. I also have oral allergy/pollen food syndrome where you can cross-react to foods that your immune system thinks look like a particular pollen. It's not serious for me or a proper allergy (and doesn't apply to cooked foods), but it is annoying and I mostly notice it with birch cross-reacting foods.
Based on the Kleenex pollen app which breaks down the count, I also have my suspicions about oak and cypress.
I'm never sure how much it affects my asthma as it seems to be more nose and eyes for me (and my asthma is otherwise not really allergic). But I saw a sensible consultant in the past who said post-nasal drip could still be an issue for asthma even if the pollen isn't directly affecting my lungs.
My current consultant doesn't believe me because allergy tests are negative - this makes me want to sneeze on him! My current asthma team have been absolutely no use whatsoever about anything to do with hayfever, nor was a past team who decided to have a go at me for breathing through my mouth instead of dealing with why I was doing it (blocked nose).
But another more sensible consultant I saw in hospital once who specialises in allergies told me that it's common for allergy tests to be negative even when someone is allergic, and he knows it doesn't mean they can't have the allergy.
Yes it's started for me too, I take fexofenadibe all year round but definitely need something else this time of year.
Hi, yeah pollen has definitely been on the rise as the snotty nose season has started 🤧 But I've got lucky in the sense as the generic Montelukast (Dr Reddy's) changed on this pick up and wow what a difference the weezing has all but vanished.
I've started my Fexofenadine It works better for me to do it seasonal rather than year round. End February to September. Most definitely though more nasily, but on top I do have a cold which is not helping.
I use an app called Allergy Plus by Pollen.com and compare those numbers with my list of known allergies to see what's bothering me that day. Sometimes I don't go out (frown) to work in my garden. I'm in the US so check a smoke and fire map to see air quality as well.
Hi, we’ve had lovely weather these past few days! I live in Southend-on-Sea. On Thursday my husband mowed the lawn for the first time this year which would churn up existing pollen and fungal spores, which I’m very allergic to. We have a careful procedure for it, shutting all windows! However the following day he went outside to sit in the sun and left the back door open and that very strong fresh smell wafted into the house! Together with my reaction to that (eosinophilic asthma) and knowing that the warm weather would speed up the tree pollen, to which I’m also very allergic, it’s now Sunday and I’m still dealing with the fallout to it! I find the seasonal combinations very difficult and cause me to spend a lot of time indoors! I’m currently increasing my level of Fostair and hope I can adjust soon! I also take cetirazine. I do monitor the levels on a pollen app and it seems that grass pollen has also began in my area! I find the app very helpful! Take care homely!
Homely, do you check pollen counters/forecasts? I do daily -- to see what's going on.
Here in Nothern Switzerland (I am at about 300m, so, should be similar to the UK... or maybe a bit ahead) we'been having haselnut for at least 1 month (it peaked last week). Right now alder is at its peak. I am allergic to none of them (thank god).
Birch is not out yet. I've been taking desensitization shots against birch and grass for the last 8 months. So the moment of truth is coming.
Yes on my road lots of birch trees. So Asthma very unhappy. I am getting woken up at night with coughing fits. So looks like steroids are needed