Last year November ('09), I had the flu jab at work. A week later I had the flu which lasted about 7 weeks after 3 courses of antibiotics. January '10 I returned back to the gym, but was always out of breath with this funny crackling sound on my chest.
I went back to the Dr in February '10. He diagnosed me with 'asthma'. So I went to see the asthma nurse who gave me ventolin and a peak flow. Peak flow reading were about 250 and I seemed to be getting worse. My next visit to the asthma nurse, she gave me the brown 'preventer'. I monitored my peak flow over a week and this had gone down to 150 and I was still wheezing like crazy after going to the gym and sleeping at night. I went back to the asthma nurse and she gave me Symbicort 400 as I was going on holiday and my asthma was out of control. This seemed to settles things down for a week when I caught a chest infection while on holiday in Egypt.
A couple of months later (in June '10) after having my pnuemonia jab I decided that I didn't the symbiccort and stopped taking it for a few weeks. Well that was a big mistake as I felt so out of breath and weak.
I went back on the symbicort after a slap on the wrist from my asthma nurse. I wasn't 100% but felt much better.
Then I went on holiday with some friends in the beginning of December '10 for 12 days. I caught a cold after a few days as my friend kept on leaving the air con on all night. This got worst throughout the holiday as the symbicort and the top up of ventolin didn't relieve the tightness on my chest and my coughing.
I got back to the UK and went straight to the Dr who said my chest was clear but I had fluid on my lungs and gave me course of Prednisolone for 5 days. After a couple of days and felt much better.
But this was short lived as the day after the tablets finished, I was ache, coughing and my chest was so painful.
My Dr gave another course of the Prednisolone and Erythromycin.
The Predisolone finished Mon 27 December '10 and Tuesday feeling awful again but my chest was even weaker.
Today Dr gave me more Predisolone to wean me off it over the next week, plus told me to finish taking the Erythromycin. Also I went for a chest x-ray. On top of this I am still taking the Symibicort 400 twice a day. How much drugs can my body take. I feel I am going to fall asleep and not wake up as my chest feels so tight & heavy. Does anyone think I will fully recover and feel normal again?