I'm new on here (big hello to everyone!) Whilst my symptoms/conditon is no where near as bad as a lot of people on here, I could really do with a bit of advice.
My new GP suspects that I have an allergy to cortisone/steroids as it runs in my family. But well, it seems that he's a little bit confused as to what to do next to help me. He in fact suggested I look on here.
My story is...
I've recently moved from Bucks to the Brecon Beacons - after seeing my Bucks doctor having had a cold and cough for 6 weeks just after Christmas, I thought I'd try a different doctors nearer to my new home (I still work in Bucks and commute back and forth.)
My Bucks doctor listened to my chest and just told me to continue fighting it myself. Which is the usual advice I get from that doctor's surgery. (I had pneumonia 3 years ago that they didn't even diagnose after a few weeks of appointments back and for every few days. I was finally diagnosed when I became very ill at work, was taken to the hospital and was told I had pneumonia and that I'd had it for a while.)
Anyway, tried this new GP surgery in Powys and so far they have been really helpful. I've had more tests in the last few weeks than I've ever had. ECG, Bloods, etc, etc
I had my first ever spirometry last week (eventhough I've been diagnosed as asthmatic during childhood) and the nurse said I was 5-10% above average. My PF hovers around 500 most days. In fact I was worse after the dose of Ventolin.
So I was informed by the nurse that I do not have asthma, it takes 7 years for lungs to recover after pneumonia, and that according to her machine I am perfectly normal. I then mentioned that I've played the Clarinet and Saxophone for the past 25 years, she frowned a bit and then said that's probably why my lungs have got good elasticity. She suggested I make an appointment with the doctor to discuss the continued breathlessness etc.
To make matters a bit more complicated the doctor suspects I have an allergy to cortisone type steroids as it runs in my family. After using the brown inhaler for a week or so (think it's called Beclo'something or other) I felt as though I'd downed a few cans of RedBull each time I used it - my heart raced and I had palpitations, I felt really weak and as though my legs would buckle. Then my skin reacted and I had eczema type sections appear on my face/neck/back/thighs - which are just starting to go after 2 weeks off all meds. After 12 hours and a good antihistimine the heart palpitations etc would wear off. Doctor told me to stop taking it and tried me on another steroid type inhaler (the orange one - sorry I'm useless with names) and I had the same symptoms.
I can barely hoover the lounge without getting out of breath and needing to sit down. I can't walk 2-300 yards without needing to stop because I just can't get my breath. I just can't really do anything other than amble about. I know that compared to a lot of people on here, I am very lucky because I can still do normal day to day activities.
I'm just wondering if anyone else has similar symptoms/experiences, and if anyone knows of any 'preventer' inhalers that don't contain cortisone? Is there such a thing even??
Sorry for such a long first post. I'm just wondering what I can do next to help steer the GP in the right direction as he seems a bit flummoxed as to what to do because of this suspected cortisone/steroid allergy.