Hi Everyone,
This is my first time posting and I could really do with some advice.
So I'm 25, in the past I have become wheezy when running in cold air - which I had a Blue inhaler for and took very rarely - I have also had cases of wheezing because of allergies but an anti-histamine has always sorted them out completely.
Around 5 weeks ago I suddenly became wheezy and this hasn't stopped - it's literally 24/7 wheezy - Taking the blue inhaler does help but it doesn't really help the chest tightness.
Anyway - The doctor gave me the brown Clenil inhaler to take twice a day - which I have for around 4 weeks now - but it has had little effect. I'm still wheezing all the time and am taking the blue inhaler twice a day at the moment. My symptoms haven't progressed past wheezing and tightness, it's just very uncomfortable.
I just have no idea what this could be - in the past it's been an allergy to something very specific, like a cat and an anti-histamine removed any symptoms - but now it's 24/7 in any environment!
The nurses told me to come back in 3 months - but I've read that Clenil effective within 7 days - does anyone have any advice on whether I should go back to the doctors now?
Interestingly, I also had a spirometer, with all the percentages coming back normal - so I don't know if this is even asthma!
Thank you in advance