esa, told me to go on a course for 2 weeks - Arthritis Action

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esa, told me to go on a course for 2 weeks

mollyandmaisie profile image
11 Replies

ive had both knees replaced and im still struggling with pain, esa have told me i have to go on a 2 week computer course. i know i cant go on it, i still struggle to sleep, walk, and im in constant pain. they said its mandatory otherwise my money will stop. just feel like crying! as this happened to anyone else?

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mollyandmaisie profile image
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11 Replies
popsmith1874 profile image

Just get a Doctors line and tell them your not fit, bloody cheek

I feel for you and hope that the powers that be will see sense and sort things out for you.

I am unable to understand why the government is so persistent in being cruel to its own genuinely sick citizens who have illnesses that have been medically diagnosed. There is no common sense exercised by these ludicrous ESA decisions :-

Firstly these further assessments cost an awful lot of money which could be much better used by the NHS on actually treating illnesses.

Secondly a person who is genuinely sick can be worried so much by these assessments that it often also makes them depressed which in turn will cost the NHS more money.

lisasweets123 profile image


I have been told that I have to go on working links for 2 years.

I struggle every fortnight to attend.

I have crumbling discs and athrtis in both hips. If I don't attend working links will get in touch with ESA and my money will stop.

I am so angry with this, but the tutor at working links is very sympathetic.


Lisa xxx

Holdingbacktheyears profile image
Holdingbacktheyears in reply to lisasweets123

I so feel for you, what does this achieve other than pain and worry for you it is wicked.

My kindest thoughts are sent to you x

Hi, I reckon you should go to your GP and insist on a bottle of morphine, so you can attend! He wont want to prescribe that and hopefully will write to them. My friend went for the PEP assessment last week. She's got discs fused up in her back and cannot raise her arms with arthritis. The b****** asked her "how do you wipe your own bottom then, if you can't raise your arms?!!!!" Like your other respondents, I reckon these people administering the benefits are making more money than it would cost to pay all the sick people their allowances. You have my sympathy - not that that is much use, but good luck anyway.

mollyandmaisie profile image
mollyandmaisie in reply to

i should have started this course today but didnt get to sleep last night till 4am due to pain, i called the jobcenter and told them, and been in touch with my doctor for a sick note. if they stop my esa i will go nuts! shouldnt need a doctors note . they have all my medical conditions already thats why im on esa...... its just going round in circles!

Arthritis takes our DIGNITY and as well as our ability to go out to work away from us and these assessments compound this. WHY do medically trained people take on these assessment jobs surely with their qualifications they should be able to help people rather than make them feel worthless. I had an assessment where I cried and the DOCTOR told me sharply to stop crying - I have never been able to cry from my OA pain since, this is harmful as crying can releive stress and she should have known that.

By the way I had worked in Accounts and paid a full stamp all my life (other than for 7 years when my children were young which was the done thing in 1971) until I was 59 when I could not cope with the OA in my hands, wrists and elbows any longer.



in reply to Holdingbacktheyears

Yes, Holdingbacktheyears, I do. I was never so relieved in my life as recently when I received my Old Age Pension, (albeit four years late as I had always expected to get it at 60 - the Government only gave one year's notice my retirement date would be postponed for 4 years!) So I was past 60. claiming ESA, partially sighted with a spine shaped like an S and hands and feet I can barely use and the Job Centre wanted me to retrain! I thought quickly what I could do and said:- "I found all the Counselling I received from the RNIB when my sight was failing very useful - could you possibly sponsor me for a four year course at University to study Counselling?" I was 63 years old at the time. Needless to say I didn't hear any more from them and I got my bit of ESA until retirement.

I don't see why we have to have all the often painful and invasive tests at hospital, if they are of no significance, when claiming benefit. I'm terribly claustrophobic with my eye sight all distorted and bent and they regularly make me have an MRI Scan which shows spinal stenosis and six prolapsed discs. I can't walk, but perhaps the Job Centre think I am Lazarus! If it wasn't so diabolical, it would be funny. Best regards,

Holdingbacktheyears profile image
Holdingbacktheyears in reply to

So glad you got your ESA, it was a fantastic idea on your part to make that suggestion. I gave up on claiming after that awful interview. I had to wait until I was 61 and half until I received my pension.

We managed as my wonderful supportive husband was still working and kept me!!! But I am still bitter about it, I should have been able to keep my independence that I had worked and paid for over so many years.

I asked the job centre what work I could do but they could not suggest anything, bless them they were embarrassed about the whole situation.

Hope you are now feeling more relaxed and you are not in as much pain.

It's good to have a chat and get things off our chest

Kind Regards x

Leighz77 profile image

You should be in the support group not the work related, do you have adult services social or mental health? They helped me a few years ago to get into support group. X

Slivia profile image

Hi. Go to your GP, explain situation. Ask for 1. Medication for pain to get you through the computer course, or 2. A letter from your GP or Consultant stating reason why you cannot attend this course. Best of luck.

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