I've had wrist pain for around 6 months. I experience pain in my thumb, can't grip anything, move my wrist and constantly wear a splint. I have muscle wasting in my hand and arm. Nerve conduction test came back clear, bloods came positive for rheumatoid factor. Im awaiting mri arthrogram results. I am pain the majority of the day and find the one thing which receives the pain is heat. My job doesn't allow this all day as I work in admin, quite a lot of paperwork involved. Im worried I may have arthritis but I don't experience flare ups, I have pain every day. The consultant feels if not rheumatoid arthritis it could be due to one of the bones in my arm being shorter than the other due to a fracture in 1997. Does anyone have any advice?
Wrist pain, can anyone help?: I've had... - Arthritis Action
Wrist pain, can anyone help?

Has anyone ever mentioned carpal tunnel syndrome to you?
Hi. My first time of writing. Have found blogs very helpful.
Ashley, I had similar symptoms as you and eventually my arms swelled very badly (Doctor called me Popeye!) and the pain was awful. Had t
ests as you and put on steroids which calmed it down. Diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis and have been on methotrexate for nearly 4 years now. (For me this is all compounded by osteo arthritis and then 2 years ago fibro.) However the arms, hands and especially the thumbs are all much better. Taking the steroids initially alongside blood tests was the proof of arthritis. I wish you well.
Hi Naomi
Thank you for your reply. I feel positive after reading blogs, I feel like there is light at the end of the very long tunnel. I assume I have some form of arthritis however unsure whether it is RA or OA. I hope to have the results in the next few weeks.
Seems others have covered most of what I was going to say. I'd just be concerned that wearing a splint constantly could lead to more muscle weakening and more pain. If it's OA or even RA, I'd be thinking that maybe working with a hand therapist could help. They can give you gentle exercises that may strengthen the muscles that support the joints, without causing more pain or injury. Tendonitis is another thought especially if you've had an injury when this started. Again, hand therapy could help.
One rule that my hand therapist told me (for OA or RA to avoid stressing the joints more) is always to use the largest and strongest possible muscle group. So if I have to carry a jug of water, for instance, I cradle it on my forearm rather than using my fingers. There are also many devices and gadgets that can help you avoid overstressing your hands and wrists.
Good luck, I hope you find what's wrong and a good treatment that reduces your pain and swelling.
I worry any wearing my splint as I'm worried about my wrist getting stiff. I do try and do things without my splint avoiding anything causing pain and tend to use my right hand. I'm unsure what to do for the best. My consultant suggested not using the splint as much as it could cause damage which is fine but I get severe pain and worry that it might cause further damage. I also worry about muscle damage, until I receive the results, I'm unsure how to build it back up.
Good luck to you in your quest. Wishing you less pain and more function whatever happens. Sending love and positive energy.
Hi i used to have arthritis on my fingers .My wife which is Thai, gave me a capsule named sesameal to try.It has helped me alot ,now after a few months of trying it, i dont pain anymore .
I have an update. My consultant has the results of my mri arthrogram and has requested a further mri, I unsure why? I'm waiting for a letter from the hospital to give me more information. I've also been referred to see a rheumatologist.
My consultant is going down the inflammatory route. Could this be anything other than rheumatoid arthritis?
This gives a great overview of natural ways to combat it: healthandscience.eu/index.p...
I personally had a severe inflammation in my right knee and it has taken me 4 months to go from hardly being able to walk back to 95% again. I was very successful using selenoprecise for inflammation - you will get back to normal again and get away from the constant pain. A diagnosis will help
Hi Ashley I can understand what you are going through. I was dx with OA in 2012. And just recently being dx with psoriatic arthritis. The worst of my pain is in my hands I tryed splints but found them restricting. I belonged to a FB closed group for PsA and they recommended compression gloves. You could try them. I tryed them but they maid my hands itchy and hot. X
Hi thank you for your reply.
8 months on and I'm still waiting for a diagnosis! I'm starting to get pain in my fingers more often which I find hard to manage especially with my job, having a house etc. I've been passed backwards and forwards from professional to professional! I'm awaiting another ultrasound then I can receive treatment after they diagnose me!
I will try anything 😊
Sorry you have had to wait so long for a diagnosis. I only got dx for PsA because the hand clinic sent me for referral to rheumytolagis. To see if my OA was RA due to having lumps on my fingers that had puss in them . And rumatolagist used ultrasound on my hands and said it was PsA. Hope you get a proper diagnosis soon x
just wondering if the pain could be coming from your cervical spine, any issues with your neck or upper back ? I had this problem and the first thing I noticed even before pain in my neck/cervical spine was problem with my hand that eventually radiated to my elbow. The diagnosed many things before finally finding it was coming from my cervical spine.
Sounds like arthritis I have the same it never goes away
Hi, Ashley2708, you need some wrist supports, there are many that work, But I am not sure if the NHS supplies them anymore, I know what you are feeling because I too have that, My bone at the base of my thumb is sticking right out and I cannot bend the blighter, It is very painful, I always thought that Nodules appeared if you have an inflammatory Arthritis but it appears that Osteoarthritis also produces Nodules, I have plenty on my fingers and toes, which hurt like the very devil, Get some splints because they do help.