So, LO is nearing 5 months on monday! he is the sweetest, happiest little baby boy. I am doing well. I am off my AP and strictly on lamotrigine for the time being. We are enjoying breastfeeding and cuddling and my other boys just adore him. I am pretty sure I had typical baby blues for a few weeks. I can't seem to lose my baby fat no period yet either, though it feels like it could start at any moment!!! here is the little chub
anyway, wanted to update you ladies. I have gotten so much from this community!
5 Months PP update: So, LO is nearing... - Action on Postpar...
5 Months PP update

Hi twoundertwo,
How lovely to read your update and thank you for sharing your gorgeous pic
I'm very happy to hear things are going well. Don't worry about the baby weight!
Enjoy those cuddles with your beautiful boy, I hope everything continues to go well. My son is 9 months now, it's gone so fast!
Take care xx

Hi twoundertwo,
What a gorgeous photo! Thanks for sharing, and your update too. It's good to hear that things are going well and your boys are a source of joy to you. I am sure you have plenty of time to lose the baby weight (I am still saying that to myself!) and if you are concerned about your period, perhaps a Dr can advise? I know it's not uncommon after a baby.
It's lovely to hear that you have found the shared experiences here helpful. All the best, enjoy those lovely boys, take care xx
thanks everyone!!! I hope everyone here is doing well.

Hi I meant to add my congrats too and so wonderful you stayed well...what an absolute cutey 😊