Our son's birthday was yesterday and he is 23 years old now. Wow. 23 years since I got PP, and survived it. It feels like yesterday and 100 years ago at the same time.
Here are some stats on what's happened in the last 23 years, if anyone is interested.
I became depressed within several weeks of the birth. I started an antidepressant a few weeks later, became manic, and then became psychotic.
I lived with psychosis, and the depression (which returned) for 10 months before my condition became so severe that I was hospitalized. Because it wasn't properly treated for so long, it wasn't recognized as PP when I finally got treatment. At the time it was thought that PP can only happen within 6 weeks of the birth. It happened shortly after that, but no one knew what it was, including me, and I was very good at hiding it.
It took three years of treatment in and out of the hospital before I stabilized.
I was hospitalized probably around 15 times. (I'm in the US, so did not stay on a unit for more than a week or two at a time, sometimes just a few days - they'd change my meds and send me back home.) My last hospitalization was nearly ten years ago. There were four after that first three year period, mostly because medication changes didn't go well.
I tried 8 different antipsychotics, 2 mood stabilizers, 5 antidepressants, and probably ten different other drugs including anti-anxiety and sleep medications. I got off antipsychotics two years ago but still take a low dose of an antidepressant and mood stabilizer, as well as an occasional dose of anti-anxiety meds.
I've seen at least 8 regular therapists, had consultations with at least that many more, and have been seen by many different psychiatrists over the years - probably dozens, if you count the ones I saw while hospitalized.
I gained 100 pounds on antipsychotics and have lost 80 just in the last two years. I have several permanent health problems from taking those meds and gaining all that weight.
I am still happily married and my children are both very well adjusted, lovely and successful adults.
We had to move three times and I lost my career, but I started another one and am now retired.
Even knowing what I know now, I would still have children if I had it to do again. Although I might do some things differently!
My life has been hard, but I'm happy that I survived and I'm very grateful for all the people who helped me get through. My goal now is to be one of those people for other women.
No matter what you're going through now, know that you are one of the strongest people out there and one day, you too will look back on PP as something that seems like just yesterday but also 100 years ago. Keep the faith, and keep putting one foot in front of the other. You will get there.