So I had my PP back in 2023. My daughter is now 14 months. Luckily I’ve stayed well this whole time and I’m off the antipsychotics now. (I have not been diagnosed BD but I’m still on a low dose mood stabilizer for now as we plan on having a second child next year. After the second child postpartum they plan on weening me off the antipsychotics again as well as the mood stabilizer.)
I feel like I have a really great team of doctors and a plan in case I start feeling “off” for some reason - not just in pregnancy/postpartum but even just in general throughout life. I got rid of all my night shifts at work and will only work daytime now so as to not mess with my sleep and mental health. If I lose sleep for any reason, I’ll take a sleep aid and if I’m ever going through an extremely stressful time in my life my psychiatrist agreed to put me on a low dose antipsychotic preventatively for a short amount of time. (And possibly a mood stabilizer during perimenopause just in case.) So I feel pretty good about this preventative plan.
But sometimes out of nowhere…(especially during very happy times when we are snuggling together) I’ll be sitting there with my daughter and have this brief wave of fear over me - like oh my God, what if I’m alone with her and something happens to my brain unexpectedly - is she safe with me?? My psychiatrist basically said this is very unlikely as usually there are some signs before you have psychosis - it doesn’t just happen out of the blue in seconds… but I don’t know.. sometimes I still get scared. May be because not much time has passed, only a little over a year. Does anyone else have these feelings? For the most part I’m doing really well, but sometimes the fear creeps up. I love my little baby so much I want to protect her at all costs. But how can you protect someone from yourself when you are not yourself?
How do you guys manage these feelings that creep up sometimes? For the first couple of years after the birth of your children - did you stay home along with them overnight? My husband has to go away for a work trip for a few days and I’m thinking of calling my mom (out of town) to come stay with me just in case. How long did it take you all to have confidence to stay with your children alone for a few days? Do you have a plan in place like if you’re alone (no family around) you can go to a neighbors’ or call emergency services if you feel something coming on? This might be too much or paranoid… but unfortunately I still get these waves of emotions sometimes. How did you ladies deal with this?