Ive been taking 10mg of Citalopram for 2 weeks now, and the doc has said to start 20mg a day from tomorrow, should i expect to feel any different or have any side affects now i'm changing? am nervous.
Citalopram: Ive been taking 10mg of... - Anxiety Support

Hi i was on 10mg and now on 20mg still feel a little shakey at mo and tend to have dizzy spells but am back at docs thurs to ask him let me know how you go xxx
drs often start you on a low dose to minimise any reaction. it seems like he thinks it's ok to increase them to 20.
try them and see and I hope they help you as they did me.
I've been on citalopram for several years and have had dizzy spells, unexplained anxiety and shakiness on 10-20mg doses but my doctor combined it with clonazepam and all is quite normal. I feel relaxed and only mildy shaky. No anxiety at all. Good luck.
This is a normal method and i believe a pretty standard dose........don,t be afraid they certainly helped me and gave me breathing space...........good wishes..........stde
Like many others, I have had anxiety problems for over 30yrs. Tried a lot of miracle cures, including lorazepam. Deadly.
I have been on citalopram, now for 18 months, increasing to 20mg. Like a vale has been lifted.. Don't be nervous. Go for it.. Take care.
Well i tool my first 20ml citalopram yesterday, was very nervous as i said but i was fine, had a sick review at work so was worried i was going vomit as i did when i first tried the pills but i was fine, my appetite wastnt great but i ate, woke up with a bit of a night sweat but was thankful just to have a little sleep as not slept hardly in 5 weeks. Thanks for your comments they really helped me.
Hi,I was also on 10mg,took them for 4 weeks then was told to up to 20mg,I was really scared as when started on the 10mg was getting headaches and dizzyness so was expecting the same,mild headache for a couple of days but disappeared,have now been on 20mg for nearly 4 weeks and I'm feeling so much better!
4 days on since i started 20mg and its been ok, no side effects..
ok so ive been takking 20mg for just over 2 weeks now and i'm having some better days and some bad days but before it was only bad days, see the doc next week.