Does anyone else suffer with health anxiet... - Anxiety Support
Does anyone else suffer with health anxiety???
Yes I do and have done off and on for the last 20 years.
Check back on the previous posts and you'll find plenty of us do here.
Two words - don't Google!
Yes. I agree Don't Google! CBT has really helped me.
I would have said no I don't suffer with health anxiety I have GAD but I'm begining to think differently now. I haven't been on hols for two years I'm worried about going away keep thinking if anything haappens to me i wouldn't get back home and I can see myself in a hosipidal over sees with no one to visit me. My kids over heare trying to get the money together to get me brought home. This story I play over in my mind and it stops me from traveling. I do have health issues with two chronic illnesses. But it's my anxiety that stops me from living.
How do you manage to get over it I'm on citrolpram and hoping its going to help x