Over-analysing everything. Vicious-circle... - Anxiety Support

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Over-analysing everything. Vicious-circle panic/mobidness.

Chopper1975 profile image
6 Replies

Hello all. I guess this isn’t so much a question, more that I am looking for reassurance that the vicious circle I get myself into quite frequently is cope able and not that uncommon (I hope)...

Sometimes (especially in the mornings) I simply don’t feel ‘right’ which then triggers an automatic, “Oh, what’s going on here, why do I feel a bit odd?” Then the over-analysing of over every thought and physical sensation uncontrollably begins. That in turn makes me question why can’t I feel right like normal people? Why do I constantly feel like I am crazy. Of course next is the racing thoughts “What if I am going mad? What if I am losing it? Why am I over-analysing everything? Hang on, if I am over-analysing everything I must be losing it? I don’t want to end up like this all the time. Why do sounds seems louder?” etc... etc... etc... Which then makes me worry even more about my thoughts and then the feelings of irrational morbidness and paranoia kick in. “I don’t know if I can cope. What if these feelings are forever? How will I ever function properly?” And so on and on and on.

Obviously the above isn’t normal, but do others feel like this? Do you end up getting yourself in a complete mental state over simply not feeling ‘right’? Personally I over worry and over analyse everything, which ends up with these cycles of weirdness and racing thoughts. I do a very good job of hiding these feelings. I hold down a professional job and have a young family. My wife knows all about it, but sometimes work is affected due to the above. I usually go out and get fresh air and take deep breaths. Anyway, I am just venting here to you good people! Sometimes it’s just good to get stuff off your chest in a rant. Thanks for listening. :)

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Chopper1975 profile image
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6 Replies
swanlinnet profile image

Hiya Chopper

Analysis is better when we analyse something outside of ourselves. Self-appraisal is not always good since we can be too critical of ourselves, whereas using our analytical mind to lose ourselves in something other than ourselves is a good distraction.

Maybe put your mind to analysing others' who have a tendencey to ruminate and then poole your thoughts together.

Like you say, it is good to get things off our chest. And, I certainly understand from experience what its like to ponder deeply and to go round in circles.

Have a good day V

Hi. Chopper. Your opening sentence says it all. 'The viscous circle'. The fear-adrenaline-fear circle. Chasing you own tail. You are right again; it is not uncommon. What you describe are the classic symptoms of General Anxiety Disorder. (GAD). I dont doubt that every one on this site has not had them at some time. So rest assured, you are among friends who understand exactly what you are going through. Have you seen your GP as mild medication can help you settle down and give you a chance to think clearly about yourself? But you see, it is 'normal' in the circumstances you are creating. Who wouldn't feel as you do when you are flogging yourself with anxiety and fear. And how could you expect to feel 'right'? You sound a very intelligent person so I can say this and you should believe it. You are NOT going mad. These symptoms are the symptoms of a tired mind going round in circles trying to find a way out. Analysing everything is an intellectual process taken by those who have done a lot of thinking in their lives and thinking their way out has become the norm. (I know). In my view a mistake.

I did it and it got me nowhere. Leave that to the psychoanalysis guys! You are NOT paranoid either so forget that one. May I suggest something that has worked for me and many others. Do nothing, but ACCEPT TOTALLY the way you feel at the moment. Your natural instinct is to fight and struggle against the feelings. This creates more fear, more anxiety. Go with the feelings there; work with them there; do not struggle with them. Take deep breaths, let them out slowly and ACCEPT. The thoughts you have are only thoughts and thoughts never killed anyone. Don't analyse and over intellectualise. Everything is exaggerated in nervous illness so do not be alarmed by sounds. Normal reactions are exaggerated too, so accept them also. I have been where you are now so I know. You will slowly calm down and feel better, but give it time.Best wishes. jonathan.

Chopper1975 profile image
Chopper1975 in reply to

Hi Jonathan. Thank you for such a great reply. You make a lot of sense. I guess I have never really considered accepting the way I feel about stuff as that seems so alien, but you're right. If this is the way I am then why not go with it? At best the acceptance could make life easier. I will give it my best shot. Thanks again for your kind reply.

slj2012 profile image


I am the world's worst at doing exactly what you described! As soon as I wake in a morning I am asking myself how I feel. Sometimes I don't actually feel too bad and I still over think things such as "oh, I feel ok" Then before you know it the anxiety is back again and I feel pants!

Big circle which is hard to break but glad we aren't alone.

Maya_dawn profile image

I know the feeling. As Jonathan said, it's a mind going round and round in loops trying to find the thing it seeks. Kinda like a dog chasing its tail. Futile, but we keep compelled to act in that manner. So, no , you are not mad or cuckoo to experience what you're feeling.

Slj, I too am an awful student at practicing the method of feeling the anxiety and letting it wash through you. But sure as heck am gonna continue trying.

Don't give up and good luck!

mindovermatter03 profile image

Hello chopper 

I know this is an old post but i just wanted to know how were you doing since im going thru the same things i want to know if you had any words that could help someone out?

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