So basically.....: So basically I feel like... - Anxiety Support

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So basically.....

8 Replies

So basically I feel like this because my brain is telling me to! There's nothing wrong with any part of my body except my brain?

So when I feel something like a twitch my brain is making it worse?

When my heart beats fast my brain is exaggerating what that is too?

When I'm sitting doing nothing much my brain is ticking over making me think something is wrong with my body somewhere?

When a thought pops into my head that something horrific has happened or might happen to a loved one its my brain being bad?

When I get so sad cos I don't want my son to find me dead in my bed in the morning it's my brain giving me grief?

Oh my goodness I've let this take over me and its made me do as little as possible in case my heart pops/explodes/I'll die if I do certain things like excercise and it's my own brain that's is f*****g me up!

As I'm writing this down my brain is saying don't write about dying cos it'll make u die today and giving me bad visions?

What a b***h!!! I need to try turning this around!

Hope this doesn't offend anyone

Sorry if it has xx

8 Replies

HiPB1999. There is a difference between the Brain and the Mind. (This is my view, not everyone's). Imagine you stepping off the kerb in front of a passing bus. You leap back onto the pavement and, hopefully, are unhurt. Your heart races, you have palpitations, you sweat, you tremble. In a healthy person it all dies down and they just feel drained. Now, with a nervously ill person the Mind tells the Brain (which after all is a physical organ) My God, I'm having a heart attack, they say you sweat with a heart attack; must be having one! Trembling too, that is a sign of Parkinson's disease, must have got that! And so the Mind is telling the Brain there is danger. Possible heart attack, possible Parkinson's, so the Brain then does what is supposed to do; it recognises danger and prepares the body for the "flight or fight" syndrome. You have sent it a message and it faithfully carries out its orders. Note.The MIND is telling the BRAIN. If your Brain goes on getting these messages then it will go on doing it's thing; that is to protect you by getting you ready to run away or fight.Thus increasing the adrenalin output and creating more anxiety. It is not abnormal. It is your Mind that is the problem not the Brain. Your Mind is you. You are blaming an organ in your body that is re-acting normally in the circumstances. I do not know if this makes any sense to you. Some people find it difficult to separate the Mind from the Brain but, in my view, there is a difference. jonathan.

in reply to

Thank you for your answer Jonathan, so if I change the brains and write mind it would be correct?

So I need to change the way my MIND is thinking or change what it is telling my brain?

And the feelings I'm getting in my chest and arms and everywhere else will stop?

in reply to

Hi PB1999. You have got it!! Yes, if you change the word then (at least to me) it all makes sense. Yes, all the symptoms will stop but IT WILL TAKE TIME. You are like a big bell that has been rung and you will go on vibrating for some time but, and this is important, if you ACCEPT how you feel and go with it you will hasten the process. Not easy, I know, but you can do it. Don't try to "turn it around". Just ACCEPT. The MIND is a powerful instrument. From making a pin to an atomic bomb, to a 50 ton airliner crossing the Atlantic. All the result of man's MIND, His thinking. Why does it surprise us that our thinking (our MIND) can cause us to feel ill? We are mis-using the very faculty that makes us useful and productive humans. Use it to your advantage. Your Mind, your thinking can change if you just stand back and look at it and accept it. Just a product of the way you think!. Best wishes. jonathan.

Gordon1966 profile image

your answer made perfect sense Jonathan,an excellent reply i might add.

Melgil58 profile image

Hi PB I've had a heart attack I could describe it for you if it would help but I also have panics anxiety depression the full set I'd like to say that during a panic attack it never felt like the heart attack the sensation we get is down to the adrenaline and other stress chemicals released into your system if you've seen the dr and been checked out and everything is normal it is a mind thing you feel anxious along comes the anxiety and it builds up if you try to fight it it prolongs the attack just try to steer your thoughts to some other thing like making a cup or tea or taking sips of water or write something down some say breathe into a paper bag if your hyper ventilating if you think anxious you will become anxious so try to let anxious thoughts pass by don't grab one and blow it up into something it's not you take care I hope you get through the bad times all the best you take care. Mel


All this just sounds sooo crazy,but it s true ..nothing wrong with me is just my way of thinking that creates fears and panick..still it s so hard to beat cause the sensations feel soooo real!!i wish I had a magic wand to get better!!

Thank you all for your replys guys! I was doing so so well for a few days! I took on board all that you said and today i'm back to square one.


john80614 profile image

You should all try a thing called "Binaural Beats", these computer generated sound files are said to massage your brain and produce all sorts of effects, and are excellent for stress/ depression/ anxiety disorders. A binaural beat is created by playing a different tone in each ear through headphones, and the interference pattern between the slightly differing frequencies creates the illusion of a beat. It's completely safe and scientifically proven - google it!!

If you search the Internet for "binaural beats" you'll quickly find there's a whole industry built on the idea that listening to binaural beats can produce all kinds of desired effects in your brain. It can alter your mood, help you follow a diet or stop smoking, get you pumped up for a competition, calm you down, put you to sleep, enhance your memory, act as an aphrodisiac, cure headaches, and even balance your chakras;-)

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