Having an attack: Just writing this to calm... - Anxiety Support

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Having an attack

10 Replies

Just writing this to calm me down as i travel home was doing ok until got pain in my neck now with having health anxiety i have panicked had my neck checked several times and there is nothing wrong i know its muscular as i work on a pc all day but it still frightens me i have anxiety so so much

10 Replies
Mandy26 profile image

Hi Sharon. You've taken the first step in knowing that it's nothing more than muscular pain which is great because you are thinking realistically and not letting the panic take over completely. You're aware of how it has happened and that your neck is actually fine.

This was a little while ago, how are you feeling now?

Hi Mandy I have got home and have had a good cry,trying to calm myself down now.I know Im thinking realistcally but theres always the niggle in my mind that its something else and I just cant stop thinking that.I also have what feels like a lump in my throat and know that is anxiety also I hate this feeling.Thanks for your words Mandy

Bramwell profile image

I know how you feel Sharon.

I can feel absolutely fine then out of the blue I get a pain in my side or think I can't see properly out of one eye and I'm off. The anxiety red alert jumps in and I head for Google (wrong wrong wrong I know) to frighten myself even more.

After a few hours I start to calm down but the niggle of worry still sits in my mind.

Hi I stay off google as that is how my health anxiety started.I also get the cant see out of one eye thing and think I have had 3 strokes up till now.Its awful wish it would stop I just sit and wait for a sensation or pain in my body all the time.Then if I dont worry I worry about not worrying

Bramwell profile image

To illustrate how silly I can get, I'm on a diet to loose a bit of weight.

I've lost half a Stone-or-so and guess what I'm worrying that I've actually lost the weight due to an undiagnosed illness rather than the diet! I put a couple of Pounds back on and felt relieved to see I could gain weight.


I had to laugh at this on Bramwell I have done exactly the same I have lost 2 1/2 stone and got worried when everyone was saying how much weight I ve lost so I started eating chocolate and stuff to see if I could put some on.So your not Ridiculous your just like me and probably loads of others

lozenge profile image

I can identify with all of this! I have started going to the gym loads more this year and eating better and have toned up quite a bit and people keep saying that I look really tiny and now I am in panic mode that it is because I have cancer and I am losing weight because of that. In my mind it couldn't possibly be because of exercise and diet - there is only one solution and that is an undiagnosed illness. At the moment food is beginning to become an issue for me because when I eat I think it is going to make me feel sick so basically every time I eat I do feel sick so don't want to eat, the I get so dizzy and anxious because I am starving myself for fear of feeling or being sick! I know I am doing it so anxiety isn't completely ruling but can't seem to stop it! Sounds so ridiculous to other people but I know you will all understand!

in reply to lozenge

totally understand this,I am exactly the same to the point I was gettin on the scales 2-3 times a day.I have stopped doing it now and although there are times I dont eat enough I do try to eat small amounts all day.If you dont you will end up with an eating disorder and that will be something else to worry about.Also you need to eat to keep you healthy so please eat and when you are just think this is helping fight off my anxiety x

lozenge profile image

I go through phases and suffer from low blood pressure so I do have to eat and do make myself eat but at times they are my 'safe' foods like plain wholemeal toast, plain crackers etc because I know they won't make me feel sick. I suffer from IBS as well so the anxiety feeds off that and vice versa. I know I am doing it though so won't let it get to the stage of an eating disorder but sometimes I do wish I could go back to being the happy go lucky foodie that I used to be! x

Hi agree with you wish I could go back to my old self as I hate being like this with a passion

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