Feeling like going to die soon: So every... - Anxiety Support

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Feeling like going to die soon

Chelsey232 profile image
17 Replies

So every night I feel like I'm

Going to die feeling terrified like I'm not going to see my daughter grow up feel like I want to run away coz I'm scared and convinced it's going to happen does anyone else feel things everyday I feel it I just hate it I'm so scared am I right or is it anxiety

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Chelsey232 profile image
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17 Replies
Jemma1987 profile image

I'm suffering really bad too it started with the fright I may have breast cancer. I've been checked 4 times so I'm kinda trying not to think about it but every day this awful feeling comes over me and I get so upset I'm not going to be here for my two girls. I try to focus on something else or just ride it out until the feeling passes. Sometime it can be 30mins and other times a few hours before the feeling comes back.

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to Jemma1987

Jemma1987, you say you've been checked 4 times for breast cancer but are still convinced you have it. Tell me, how many times would you need to be checked before you accept that the doctors, specialists and radiographers actually know what they're doing? 8 times? A dozen times? Twenty times? Or even more?

You are onky doing what we all do, or have done, on this forum: our jangled nerves tend to exaggerate hugely our natural fears. So the slight concern everybody in you position has that you want to be around for your two girls becomes magnified into an obsessional fear of death.

Once you stop frightening yourself half to death with your strange fears your nerves will recover and all will be right with the world.

I have to tell you Jemma1987 that those four checks by cancer specialists were absolutely correct and you will live to draw your pension without any shadow of a doubt.

Jemma1987 profile image
Jemma1987 in reply to Jeff1943

i love this reply because deep down i know your right and believe me on my good days i think what a fool get on with your life and stop worrying about what nots there. Ive been told loads im going on like im dead already. My husband says all the time people with cancer cope better than i am because they just get on get treated and fight. And i know this because my husbands step mother had breast cancer and she got the lump taken away and all the treatment and got on with life.

MondoMed profile image
MondoMed in reply to Jemma1987

I have horrifying anxiety. It turns in to chronic pain. I thought dozens, maybe 100's of doctors were wrong, and just didn't want to help me with my pain. It's so bad that Ive gone weeks without a nights sleep, and so many other problems. I finally am working on anxiety 1st.. The pain, insomnia, weight problems, etc are improving. It took me years, decades to address the right issue. I still have to tell myself that I need to consider thr doctors are right. I understand how it's hard to believe doctors, even lab work, cat scans, etc.. but maybe it's time to tell the doctors you can't stop thinking you have cancer regardless of the medical proof

Peacewithin1 profile image

Same here... Everyday

Jeff1943 profile image

Chelsey232, your feeling that you are going to die is a very, very common symptom mentioned by people on this forum. For your own peace of mind, you should visit your doctor and tell him/her of your fears and what the symptoms are. It's highly likely that there is no physical cause for your worry and that leaves anxiety.

When people suffer from anxiety their nervous system becomes temporarily stressed and this makes everything appear ten times worse than it is. For some people, slight aches and sprains become self-diagnosed as terminal cancer with a little help from that old quack Doctor Google.

In your case the natural concern that any parent with a young child has, that's to say wanting to be around to help the child attain adulthood, has become exaggerated into an obsessional fear of impending death - courtesy of your over sensitive nervous system.

It's easy to say Stop Worrying but hard for people with anxiety to do but if you can frame your mind to accept that your fear is unnecessay and is actually keeping your frazzled nerves in a state of frazzle then it time your exaggerated fear of death will recede.

So believe me when I tell you: you are definitely NOT going to die, you're far to young for that, and you certainly WILL be around to guide your child through adolesence into adulthood and beyond. There's no doubt about itwhatsoever.

Chelsey232 profile image
Chelsey232 in reply to Jeff1943

Your reply made me

Smile thank u

I can't help it scares me I have had it from

The age of 13 and it has started from last year to be worse I'm

Not even 20 my Nanaa and dad say it's all in My head but I have convinced myself that I'm

Right and it's going to happen and I won't be here for my daughter and stuff 😊 But I should believe I will be here coz I'm waking up every morning thanks god after those nasty feelings

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to Chelsey232

Just imagine Chelsey232 you wake up one morning and you're 70 years old and your daughter is happily married with a good job and you think to yourself "All that worry about dying early was a crock of s**t, I've wasted my life worrying about something that never happened. Oh, how I wish I could step into a time machine and go back 50 years to 2017, how different I'd do things!"

Well, Chelsey232, you can sort of go back in time 50 years because it's 2017 now. Enjoy life as it comes and forget the rest.

Shawnb95 profile image
Shawnb95 in reply to Jeff1943

I love this response it's very helpful because I'm 21 myself and I have a 1yr old child and I always get bad thoughts telling me I'm going to die or something bad is going to happen to me or one of my loved ones idk what it is anxiety or what?

Maaki profile image
Maaki in reply to Shawnb95

Are you fine now?

i know how you feel, I'm only 20 and i feel like every headache or sense of smell that no one else smelled is because I'm going to die, or I'm sick with something. i google every symptom and it gives you like 10 different possibilities and somehow i think i have at least 9 etc. i have a mom who suffers from 3 different auto immune diseases, a grandmother who has 1, a grandfather who has a brain tumor with diabetes, a dad who has mental issues, another grandmother who has mental issues, a grandfather who had cancer, an uncle who had cancer, i feel like I'm destined to have something too, i don't feel like myself anymore. in reality, i could be completely fine, but in my eyes something is wrong and i probably won't live to be 22 because i can't even see myself making it passed 21. i can't picture myself in a few months, or years, or whatever being alive. i can't even picture myself alive 2 weeks from now. am i crazy or is it just anxiety? I believe that we can predict our own future and set our own path, if you want to live, feel you want to live. tell yourself every night how proud you're gonna be to meet your grandchildren, our bodies respond to our thoughts , there was an article on a girl who believed she was pregnant and she had symptoms and also grew a belly but there wasn't anything in there. tell yourself you're going to be okay, even if you need someone else to tell you. speak good vibes into the world and you'll receive good vibes, our bodies play tricks on us, and so does our minds. write on a post it "I'm going to be okay" "I will hold my grandchildren someday" "I will never leave her" things to remind yourself you're here for the long haul. I know its easier said than done, but do it for her.

Rukisakalanzi profile image
Rukisakalanzi in reply to

Thnx I feel the same...way the feeling just started from now where guys someone help me...I have this feeling or thought that am going to die on Saturday well that's coz it ts the day am supposed to report back to campus or uni..I feel scared I have been excited for my return to campus..but now I don't khow I feel lost and scared someone help me explain what is going on...is it the anxiety coz I think I have OCD and PSTD coz of the traumas I have suffered these last two months

12sarac profile image

Yes! I feel this way everyday. I constantly am convinced that I am going to die and won't be here to see my baby

Francine23 profile image

Hi. I feel the same too. I will be 22 in 21 days and I'm so afraid. I have an anxiety disorder, health anxiety. But the fact is I'm in a perfect health, 4 doctors and 5 therapists convinced that. My family members are also healthy. Idk I'm just afraid something bad will happen. I have a family problem and traumatic experience when I was a child.

I also had some nightmares about person telling me I'm about to die.

Anyone please help me, I'm freaking out.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Francine23

Francine23, it sounds like the family problem and traumatic experience you had as a child is surfacing now causing you to have these nightmares. People in your dreams telling you that you are about to die doesn't mean that literally. What ever this experience you had as a child is causing it to come out in your dreams. It is time for you to get professional help. If this issue was never addressed, it needs to be now. We can't sweep traumatic experiences under the carpet. It will always resurface and cause us emotional pain. Please set up an appointment to see a therapist or your doctor. I wish you well. Let us know how you do Francine. x

Amytat profile image

How are you feeling now please us know aa I.suffer too

Amrinlama profile image

It’s all your brain playing with negatives things so I can see nicotine is coming out slowly so you need to be strong I been through all these. Please motivate yourself with walking jogging running dancing yoga etc which makes you comfortable

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