It has often been mentioned on this forum that some people find their anxiety is highest when they wake first thing and this morning anomaly then recedes as the day progresses.
Some suggest this is because levels of cortisol, a flight or fight hormone, are high on waking and because we don't immediately burn this up by physical activity it hangs around causing heightened anxiety. Others say it is the sudden realisation after peaceful slumber that we face another day of feeling bad that causes the sudden onset of high anxiety.
I have been relatively free of anxiety disorder for many years now having followed Claire Weekes' four imperatives of Face. Accept. Float. And let time pass.
But I still occasionally feel the shadow of anxiety disorder and this can include that early morning feeling. However, I sometimes feel a milder and shorter version of this when waking from a short nap or snooze later in the day. As I say it wears off quite quickly but I would be interested to know if anybody else experiences the same which I call 'bad snoozes'