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health anxiety ruining my life

SMB411 profile image
9 Replies

Any sensation I have in my body I think it’s cancer. I have no family history. It’s just an irrational fear. Even when I had the flu a few weeks ago I thought it was leukemia/lymphoma. My husband is frustrated and doesn’t know how to deal with me. He tells me to just snap out of it. I’m constantly checking my lymph nodes and looking for asymmetry in my body. I’m very sensitive to any reports in the news or Facebook of someone young getting cancer. I worry about one thing until I get an MRI/scan to rule it out and then I move on to the next concern. I don’t know how to stop the intrusive thoughts and just be present in the moment. 

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SMB411 profile image
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9 Replies
Superzob profile image

Cancer gets so much hype that it’s difficult to understand that it’s just another disease which is treatable. Of course, people die from it, just as they do from other diseases, but they also recover (far more now than in the past). Also, it isn’t generally realised that everyone has cancer cells in their bodies (which are errors in cell division), but the immune system destroys most of them. Most of the remaining ones are benign (these also used to be described as cancers, but the name now seems be restricted to the malignant ones).

If you are really worried that you might have cancer, there are “markers” which can be seen in blood tests. I doubt a GP would be prepared to arrange this on the NHS without any obvious symptoms, but you could have it done privately. However, I suspect you realise your worry isn’t really based on any evidence and is probably out of balance with other daily risks.

I have had bowel problems for 40 years, and started to lose weight a few years ago. Had all the tests - nothing found. Problem is still there, but I’ve put on weight (probably because I’m not worrying about it - worry is a good way to lose weight!). Nobody can stop thinking (and we all have negative thoughts), but if you just allow the thoughts to go, they will gradually disappear as the evidence accumulates that they were just mere thoughts, and don’t relate at all to reality.

I wish you well.

Dixie9326 profile image

My heart feels for you and I am deeply concerned for you..I am not young anymore and I’ve been doing the exact same thing for over 50 years. It would come and go throughout the years but now that I’m older it is a constant battle…🥹

I’ve always lived a pretty healthy lifestyle and even now in my 70’s I lift lift weights and do stretching and balance exercises, I ride my bike for ten miles every day. The exercise helps but the thoughts of something dreadful going on in my body is a daily struggle.. I’ve had tests galore along with Ctscans which helps my worrying mode for a short while and when another symptom appears my mind goes directly to doom and gloom:(. My sincere advice is to get professional help NOW with this before it wastes all of what should be GOOD years. I look back on all of those good years where apparently nothing was life threatening and I lived in acute fear so many days and months. It’s very sad, to say the least. Don’t let that person be you..You will regret it :(. Search for the right professionals to help you and don’t stop looking until you find someone that helps you learn to live with optimism, comfort and peace… :)🥰👍🏻🥰…

Sonnyd profile image
Sonnyd in reply to Dixie9326

Great advice!!! ☺️

Sonnyd profile image

I am the same way. I’ll be good for a while then fixate on the next thing. I just had a mammogram and ultrasound and then a few months later I think i see something. Its a viscous cycle. My husband gets frustrated too. Hes had so many health issues and never gets worried or as crazy as I do.

Dixie9326 profile image

It will continue to be that way unless you get some professional help..It’s a sad and unhealthy way to live !!

Sorry to hear, I have Body sensations too, it's not pleasant. I watch anxiety videos on how to calm the nervous system. I'm always hearing that you need to let it pass without fighting it but it's so difficult due to hypersensitivity.

laurajn087 profile image

I am the same. I think part of the problem seems to be that too much information on cancer and other diseases is available these days, particularly on social media. It makes it worse for my health anxiety. A recent example is that I was following the blog of a lady who had terminal cancer, she has unfortunately recently died, and I have been upset as if I knew her! I know I shouldn't read these type of blogs, but I can't seem to stop myself! It's crazy, as I am not helping myself at all!

Pensieve profile image

I have been living the same life for the past 7 years and now even my boyfriend is not ready to support me. Its just a series of going from fixation on one illness to the other with no end in sight. Currently going through one of those bleak periods of colon cancer scare. I am both afraid of going to a doctor and not doing anything is eating my alive :(

Inmyheadalot profile image

Oh yeah, I totally get you. I'm currently experiencing some sort of a viral infection, I am dizzy and lightheaded and feel ill. I keep thinking I have heart failure and I'm gonna die. I'm googling symptoms constantly. My partner keeps telling me it's just a bug, as he's not feeling well either. But I still keep thinking about the worst case scenarios. It's torture.

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