Had blood work done today and found out that my vitamin d is deficient. All my other blood work looked normal besides my sugar being on the higher side. It’s scary to me especially because what I’ve done research on what could cause it and such of course I think it’s the worse case scenario. Waiting for the doctors to review my blood work and let me know. Just scares me because I’m always worried about my heart or worrying that I have cancer.
Vitamin D deficient: Had blood work done... - Anxiety Support
Vitamin D deficient

Understandable one worries about blood test results. I worry about them too. My Vitamin D level is a bit on the low side. Even though I supplement it. . Sugar: It’s amazing how many processed savoury foods have sugar in them. I did a sugar free month on the Healthy Eating forum ? last year. It wasn’t easy but it was nearly possible by cooking from scratch. My favourite GF sausages unfortunately have sugar in them . Sugar comes under many disguises, dextrose etc.
Did your primary dr tell you to supplement with vitamin d3? I was low too and take 4000 iu per day to raise my vitamin d. Also if it is sunny out expose your arms to the sunlight as that is a way to get vitamin d as well. Definitely work to bring the sugar intake down too as you don’t want to get diabetic. You are young and have a long life ahead so don’t sweat this stuff. I am 57 and have had prostate cancer and stage 1 colon cancer and I worry a lot but that doesn’t help. So I’m retired now and trying to live day by day as we don’t know how long we have. Every day is a gift. Take care and stay positive!
About half the population of the UK has Vit D deficiency, particularly as we were going out less during lockdowns and not getting enough sunlight. But as @Mikes21 says, Vit D supplements are easy to get (and cheap!), so you should be able to get back to the required level pretty easily.
I had that a few years ago. My vitamin D levels were in the single digits. I took vitamin D supplements and was fine. It’s never been that low since. Very common finding so don’t worry.
Same here. I was diagnosed with low Vitamin D and my PA put me on 5,000 ui. He told me I should be okay by the next time I take blood work.
But I get really nervous about lab work. Cause I think I'm doing something wrong. Even though I told by my doctor that I'm okay and just adjust my diet and I should be fine.
I hear you.I'm in the same boat, had my bloods done and everything was normal except my glucose and A1C. I too am worried about cancers and my heart as well.
Just rest assured that if all bloods are good besides blood sugar that you are ok my friend.
I also have ptsd and panic disorder so I was put on lexapro(escitalopram).
Keep us posted
Best wishes
I had blood done at the hospital was was told that I was very low in Vitamin D aswell. The doctor told me that below 50 is low and below 30 is very low. My vitamin D level was 24. I was given 20,000iu of vitamin D tablets and now have to take over the counter vitamin D tablets too. I hope you sort yours out