I am so anxious over the news about Russia invading Ukraine. I can't eat, I'm worried sick that world war 3 is going to happen. I've always been anxious about the war on the news. I remember when I was little and the news used to mention Saddam Hussein I would run into my bedroom and be so worried he would set off huge bombs destroying the world. I can't relax and I'm so down about the news.
So anxious about the news: I am so anxious... - Anxiety Support
So anxious about the news
Fear response to the news is common, infact it's so common it's most news channels main tool for viewership. Fear-mongering works. If you are susceptible to this I'd suggest trying to reduce or remove the news.
If you find it tough to remove the news then find sources which challenge your viewpoint.
I can remember as a child the Cuban missile crisis and really fearing that World War 3 was going to happen I remember my parents talking to neighbours etc in really serious voices when we went out and I was so petrified So I do know that feeling you have its horribleTry to keep away from the news if you can You worried about Saddam Hussein setting off bombs to destroy the world well it didn't happen did it
Think about it worry what good is it ? Look back at the last week have you worried every day ? If you have think what a waste that was
I have just bought Ruby Wax's new book Mindfulness A Guide For Survival I'm sure that it would help the way you are feeling it's like a work book that you can fill in with your feelings like worry anxiety etc
Try and think about all the nice things in your day the simple pleasures like the beautiful sunrises we are having or the signs of spring
I'm sure we will all be fine and you will look back and think what was I so worried about
Take care of yourself but I do understand xx
Only local news that can directly affect you matters.
I was like that when JFK was threatening to bomb Russian assets. It didn’t happen. I didn’t worry again.