Sorry for posting so much today but my oxygen just dropped to 94 for a few seconds then back to 95 then 96 should I be worried
Oxygen : Sorry for posting so much today but... - Anxiety Support
Absolutely do not worry. Our vitals can fluctuate from moment to momentdepending what our state of mind and body are in. It's okay.. xx
It’s goes from 94 to 99 throughout the day constantly dropping then coming up I have a cold at the moment maybe that has something to do with it, I say a cold but only a stuffy nose
No. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about. My advice is to stop keep taking your oxygen levels as it is only making you stressed.
I have lung disease and my level is around 90 usually. It's only if it regularly drops to around the mid 80's and stays there for an hour or more that you need to start to worry a bit. This is due to the effect of lack of oxygen to your other organs. But this isn't going to happen to you unless you have lung or heart damage etc. You haven't so relax.
I agreed. I am COPD with Pulmonary Emphysima and my O2 sat varies from 79% to 98%.The O2 Sat like your pulse varied all the time..
At your age, you do not need to check your O2 Sat.
Man... some advice, switch off electrical stuff for a few days, go outside, enjoy nature, bring a friend, disengage with how you think you are feeling to how your body actual is.... you are young, our bodies are amazing if you look after them physically, the world will support you mentally... get out of your mind into the world, your not alone, your not unwell, and you've so much enjoyment to be had outside and away from the online world.
Listen stop worrying about your pulse. The numbers can change from time to time. Sometimes it can drop if your leaning on one arm. Its only a concern if it drop under 90 for long periods of time so your fine