Struggling to breath, breathless - Anxiety Support

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Struggling to breath, breathless

Leon1991 profile image
33 Replies

Hi everyone hope everyone is doing okay. Been a while since I last posted. I have been suffering to breath lately. My anxiety and panic attacks has just gone from bearable to insane! I’m constantly going into a while panic attack and find it very hard to breath, I’ll go dizzy then feel very sick!

Is anyone else suffering from this? I understand it’s probably related to my anxiety and panic attack but I can just all of a sudden even without a attack just start struggling to breathe. Hard to explain but feels like I’m drowning? I’m not literally gasping I just feel like I’m not getting oxygen and it’s scaring me. Can’t see a gp down to covid!

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Leon1991 profile image
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33 Replies
Roaming_Randomly profile image

Yes it happens with me!! All i do is breathe deeply,eat something , walk or jog , or listen pop songs...try anyone as suitable and trust me it will help in panic attacks

Roaming_Randomly profile image
Roaming_Randomly in reply to Roaming_Randomly

Same situation happens to me so many times....if you find breathing difficulty then eating or walking is best...get some chocolates , a pop song and a pencil and pen (just to scribble rubbish).... hope it will help

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Roaming_Randomly

Hi there thank you for your reply and time, I’ll be honest I try deep breathing and it makes me worse I feel like I can’t breath tried mediation breathing and don’t help!! Music does but can’t put it on in all situations. My anxiety has gone from high to over my head! Anytime I’m in a shop, car, or anywhere where I know I can’t move I freak out and my breathing goes and I feel really sick

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Leon1991

I tend not to eat because of this! Have a fear of being sick when I’m out in shops, someone’s home or anywhere

Roaming_Randomly profile image
Roaming_Randomly in reply to Leon1991

I am so sorry to hear that your situation has worsen ... try consulting therapist i am sure it would be helpful.... i can feel your restlessness from your text... i wish i could help more .... but one advice dont sit in one place during attacks ...stand up and roam although inside the room..just try to distract yourself...

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to Roaming_Randomly

I have tried every therapy known to man, seen all doctors in every field and take all the meds but just can’t control it!!

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to Leon1991

I can relate to the shortness of breath. I have had it for the last 4 months. I find I have to "yawn" in order to get air. It is very frightening. It's always worse in the morning when I wake. I have tried everything to distract myself to no avail. Frankly the fear is terrible and I constantly live in panic.

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to kama24

It’s really horrible maybe! I will try and yawn see if it helps. Do you feel sick aswell

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to Leon1991

Yes, my stomach feels slightly nauseated every day especially when I'm shaking like a leaf. Frankly I don't think the dr. knows what to do and offers no suggestions. Trying to sleep is a real challenge.

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to kama24

I have been getting really worse. Starts of struggling to breath then I feel very very sick. Almost like I’m going to Chuck up. Just getting worser and I don’t no why! It’s becoming to much for me to cope know feel like I have something going on I dread I have a illness like lung cancer as why am I like this!

As for sleeping I have really bad insomnia! I take a lot of medication but I’m at the point where I can’t physically take anymore!!

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to Leon1991

I hear you. I asked for a chest xray and all was normal. You could start there. If I'm normal why am I so short of breath? I wake 3 and 4 x in the night, struggling then the dreaded FEAR hits. I don't know where to turn or what to do either. It's like I'm afraid to live and afraid to die. People say "talk yourself calm"....easy for them to say

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to kama24

It’s really hard that’s exactly how I feel, I to wake up when I finally get of gasping for air. I’ve been told could be sleep apnea? I’ve had all X-ray and checkup. Well I had a chest X-ray as I had chest pains so I’m sure if I had any lumps or signs of cancer they would have picked it up. Today I’ve been having wilds attack gasping for air and feel very sick

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to Leon1991

Yes a chest xray would of shown up a tumor or water in the lungs etc. My husband has had sleep apnea for yrs and wears a CPAP. He would just stop breathing for a min. or so then start breathing normally again. I've had a pain in my chest all day....the "what ifs" have been going on. The night is coming and I dread it. How can so many people be affected with anxiety?

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to kama24

I feel I may have sleep apnea but can’t be tested with covid going on! When you have chest pain can you pinpoint it? Like if you press on the area where the pain is does it feel worse. Hard to explain but press the part that hurts with your finger can you feel the pain more then?

More and more people are suffering, our future don’t look very bleak!

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to Leon1991

You are right, with covid they wouldn't likely have sleep clinics. My chest hurts all over. I also have pain between my shoulder blades but that could be from being bent over the pc so much.....trying to keep occupied. I took a TUM but it didn't help the chest discomfort. I wonder what doctors actually think of us?

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to kama24

I find it helps if you push and put pressure on the places you feel the pain. If you can put pressure on it and feel it then it assures you in anxiety and your muscles contracting. Bed ttake some paracetamol. Doctors are tricky as it’s a physiologist or physiatrists you need to speak to

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to Leon1991

I go to a physciatrist but don't have much faith in him. I have an appointment with a physcotherapist on Wed. It should be interesting. I'm worrying about side effects of the vaccine. Soon we have to decide if we'll get it. I worry about it and the shortness of breath. What don't I worry about??

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to kama24

Have to try not to worry so much as most your worries are out of your control

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to Leon1991

How true it is. If I could turn off my worrying most of the battle would be won!

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to kama24

Easier said than done, I’m on the same boat as you, all we can do is keep paddling along and hopefully some how find a better place.

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to Leon1991

I have my lst real appointment via phone with the physcotherapist tomorrow. I wonder how they deal with cases like me. We touched on nutrition, vitamins and exercise last wk during introduction. I'm not optimistic but will try for a while

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to kama24

Hope all goes well tomorrow with your call. Hopefully they will give you some medication to help. I seen my go and I’m taking double the dose of acid reflux tablets and anti sick tablets to see if it helps me with my breathing and constantly feeling sick

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to Leon1991

The consultation lasted an hour. She brought into play many CBT procedures. She does listen. As for my breathing she wants me to get a balloon and attempt to inflate it with one breath to as big as I can get it...won't be big!! It gets the bad air out of your lungs When I lst started with this anxiety in 1995 I was so sick to my stomach every day all day. They even tried me on anti nausea pills used for those sick after chemo. Didn't help. After about 4 yrs it did go away. I went to a naturopath for a yr; strict menu of foods plus a nutritional 'milkshake" I also tried accupuncture Now here I am short of breath and shaking all the time. She talked about 'grounding' oneself...I did that in BT. Said to give my fear a colour and a to it, show it who's boss....ok ok will try, time will tell. I hope you get some help for your stomach.

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to kama24

Sorry to hear you’ve been suffering since 1995! Mine did go away like you but then came back with more! Haven’t tried the ballon thing have you been tested for copd?

Well I’ve been doing the same but apparently trying to fight it and give it a name makes it worse as your more conscious of it? They say acknowledge it tell yourself it’s that wanker upstairs and no matter what you do or say he won’t go do let it ride itself but just say I know what this is and who you are if that makes sense? I make myself worse by fighting it as your constantly overthinking it all..... but what if....... maybe it’s not..... it’s a mind field! Yes acupuncture never ever again my gif I had that next day my anxiety was so bad I nearly took my life no matter how many Valium I took wham! Would go so never again took me months to recover that bad anxiety spell.

Nausea pills arnt that much helping but early days I’ve had them before and didn’t really help but this time I’m hoping and thinking they will

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to Leon1991

I sure hope your nausea pills help this time. No I've never been tested for COPD. I don't like to go anywhere alone, because....what if! Hospitals & clinics will only let you go in alone due to covid. I woke with the shortness of breath but we had to go out to work on my brotherinlaws estate. I took an ativan. I made it through. I tell myself if it was something real serious it wouldn't disappear for the day & come back the next. I'm sorry accupuncture was a bad experience for you. I deal with what ifs every day. Lately we have lost 3 pets, a friend and 2 family members. Death terrifies me so I'm trying to deal with it. Our family dr. is retiring and none here are taking on new patients. That worries me. what doesn't??

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to kama24

Everything can get to my ex ran of with another bloke, couldn’t even see my kids.... moved home 3 months later mom died, I found her in a very traumatic way and has scared me mentally, then I lost my job everything went down hill, so I though I need to do something so decided to start my own property and garden maintenance buisness. This was 3-4 years ago and I’m still suffering I’ve had anxiety all my life had a traumatic upbringing, mental health runs in the family very bad so it’s a bad hand I’ve been delt! Sometimes things happen with out or control and the last and worst thing is to worry and think these things. As when your dead that’s it............ so try and accept what’s going on and don’t fear what will as we will all finally end up in the same place at some point, but I can relate lvivng in fear of diying.

My mom took her life down her her mental health....... I was angry..... I was so pissed of In fact at one point I was mad at her as what she done ruined my life and others in more ways than one. But honestly know I forgive her as I understand why she did it I can relate. I could see her get more and more weaker with her mental health and now I’m older and suffer even more knowing she was suffering more I accept it. I’m actually re assured she’s no longer suffering as I have tried to do it myself but I won’t do it to my kids.

The point to that story is (I don’t want no pity) when your dead the only people who suffer are those left behind so why make your life harder or worser worrying. If you accept death than you won’t fear it. I haven’t accepted it but I have seen that life is short when you go 5-10 years down the line your just a memory, what’s important is you being here know in the moment, so tell you thoughts bollox. I say this is my mind and my body so do what you want as I won’t allow you to take over. Your mind is a very powerful thing and if you let it it will rule you. Easier said than done but I promise you on your death bed all you will think about is I wasted my life with anxiety. It controlled me and stopped me from doing what I wanted. And you will look back and realise that it’s to late time is all you have so use it and not let it use you. Don’t feed the fire with worry and what if, piss on it with power and determination. My god I suffer so much and don’t do a lot of things because of it but I keep trying and guess what I’m still alive. Yes it makes me unstable and weak and sick but I keep saying there could Mingus no be tomorrow so I’ll do it today

Wise words. If you say your going to do something, for you or someone else do it today as tomorrow may not come. Never break a promise and do what you say don’t put anything of as today could well be your last.

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to Leon1991

Wise words. My shrink once told me that the mind is the strongest organ in our body. I believe that. You have had a lot to deal with in your life. I've been very lucky to have a wonderful husband of 52 yrs. I was a stay at home mom. Now I'm a stay inside grammie cause I'm afraid to go out alone or drive alone. The covid vaccine is soon due to us in our age group. I'm terrified that with this shortness of breath the shot will take my life, yet I do want to get it. The world is in a terrible situation and the news just makes me shake more. You are right, tomorrow is never promised. I saw a lot of family deaths as a very young child. They haunted me. If I could just get rid of this breathlessness I think I could get back on track. Life is a challenge.

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to kama24

Try not to worry, there will be a way to find out what it is. If you want some reassurance get a chest X-ray but I’m struggling to breath and my X-ray came back ok. Maybe you could have asthma? Tell your gp you need help as your on the verge of a breakdown and can’t cope that way they will see you and find out why your struggling

AbbieSM profile image
AbbieSM in reply to Leon1991

Hey guys, just come across this in my first 5 mins of being on this site. I've only been struggling with anxiety since December after having a 6 week spell with vertigo. Since then, despite mri test and blood tests I was still so convinced it was something more serious. I thought the tests would just take away the anxiety!! Of course it didn't. But I've been trying to cope with it naturally and although I'm not very good at healthy eating adding vitamins and changing one meal a day to being better has helped. The thing that has helped me most is podcasts!! It's so reassuring to know other people have been through the same thing. The anxiety guy podcast is really good and has given me insight and ways to cope.

Leon1991 profile image
Leon1991 in reply to AbbieSM

Hi Abbie welcome, there’s so many people suffering, you will be surprised how many there is. I haven’t seen the pod casts I will take a look at them see if it helps. I would advise to take medication as a last resort as you will only become addicted and reliant on them! Then you will live a life of side effects!

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to Leon1991

I did have a chest xray and it was normal. I truly hope your breathing perks up for tonight, It;s almost bed time & I just want to breathe normally and not be terrified. I wonder if a CPAP machine would help you. Then again you need a sleep clinic first. We are a great example of "if only". I will cross my fingers for you. Our dr. retires the end of June. No drs. are taking on more patients in this town. I'm going to take a sleeping pill. Lets hope we both have a good night.

FearIsALiar profile image

I had it for awhile but it ended up going away thankfully! I still get it at times though not as bad because I know I’m okay.

SarahLou30 profile image

Maybe look into getting an echocardiogram and pulmonary function test just to rule things out. I had this symptom for years before being diagnosed with mast cell activation syndrome and dysautonomia. for years doctors just told me it was anxiety, when it actually had nothing to do with anxiety. Antihistamines help me now. Always good to rule out medical ssues before assuming it’s anxiety. Hope you start feeling better soon!

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