Anxiety has been making me feel really different and weird lately. I thought it was my med But it’s not. I went full blown panic attack today and that hasn’t happened in a while! I didn’t know how to act! My shoulder blade is Sore like. And I’m constantly thinking clogged arteries or something smfh I have had enough idk what else to do or who to turn too!
ugh I just can’t : Anxiety has been making... - Anxiety Support
ugh I just can’t

My anxiety has been making me feel strange lately too!
Panic attacks can happen out of nowhere but do you think your panic attack was caused by your shoulder blade being sore and you thinking it’s a clogged arterie? Thinking that is enough to make you go into a panic attack.
Yes! And I knew it too because when I was thinking it I went straight into a panic and now since I’m feeling out of place almost like Derealization it’s making me feel even more anxios
I freak myself out over those things too. I always think I’m going to die. I also refuse to go to hospital because I get so scared of something being wrong with me!!
Derealization cannot hurt you. It’s your bodies way of letting you know you are stressed and it protecting you!
It sounds like it could be a couple of different things going on here. It could be that your meds need adjusting. Or perhaps there is something your subconscious is trying to deal with. If you have a counselor, it might be good to discuss it with them. Journaling could help you process the feelings. Maybe try some form of meditation, yoga, etc to help control the anxiety. Prayers for peace and guidance.
I know EXACTLY what you are talking about smh u are not alone in literally felling and have been feeling horrible for the past months it's like I've been floating feeling spacy smh. You're not alone
Yes! Almost like an anxiety depression feeling it’s so bad
I’m starting to think it's the medication maybe I need to be taken off I don’t know but I hate that feeling sometimes it makes me feel weak and nauseated like I wanna cry or like something bad is about to happen I’m just sick all all of it 😒