Hi, I am so glad that I came across this forum.
I've been suffering terribly for a week now. It started on Wednesday 8th July with a tingling in my left foot, hand and cheek. I Also felt tired and I could feel my mood changing. By the weekend I had the tingling in both sides of my body. Saw the Gp Monday and he wasnt very concerned. He ordered blood tests and said it was probably anxiety.
Monday night I didnt sleep not even for a minute. spent the next few days in bed exhausted and hardly eating. Got blood results Thursday they were all good except a slight rise in thyroid indicating a viral infection. Dr told me on the phone he thought it was either viral or anxiety and would be gone in 2 weeks. By the next day I felt worse and now also had these random burning feelings in my skin simular to sunburn. On the friday I was up all night again and ended up phoning 111 as I was so worried. They asked me to come down to out of hours GP where I was checked over thoroughly and told to go to A&E to be seen by the medical team.
The doctors in A&E were great did all sorts of strength and reflex tests on me which were fine, bloods again and ecg all normal.
Sent me home with propranolol and referred me to a neurology clinic.
But I'm still so scared. I can barely eat, I feel exhausted and the prickly hot skin feeling is still coming and going.
How can anxiety cause all of this? Has anyone experienced anything simular? Im so worried. I have two young children and keep worrying about dying and having to leave the motherless.
Thank you if you took the time to read and I'd love to hear your own experiences with health anxiety.