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Health anxiety convinced I have neuro disorder

Cajswansea profile image
16 Replies

Hi, I am so glad that I came across this forum.

I've been suffering terribly for a week now. It started on Wednesday 8th July with a tingling in my left foot, hand and cheek. I Also felt tired and I could feel my mood changing. By the weekend I had the tingling in both sides of my body. Saw the Gp Monday and he wasnt very concerned. He ordered blood tests and said it was probably anxiety.

Monday night I didnt sleep not even for a minute. spent the next few days in bed exhausted and hardly eating. Got blood results Thursday they were all good except a slight rise in thyroid indicating a viral infection. Dr told me on the phone he thought it was either viral or anxiety and would be gone in 2 weeks. By the next day I felt worse and now also had these random burning feelings in my skin simular to sunburn. On the friday I was up all night again and ended up phoning 111 as I was so worried. They asked me to come down to out of hours GP where I was checked over thoroughly and told to go to A&E to be seen by the medical team.

The doctors in A&E were great did all sorts of strength and reflex tests on me which were fine, bloods again and ecg all normal.

Sent me home with propranolol and referred me to a neurology clinic.

But I'm still so scared. I can barely eat, I feel exhausted and the prickly hot skin feeling is still coming and going.

How can anxiety cause all of this? Has anyone experienced anything simular? Im so worried. I have two young children and keep worrying about dying and having to leave the motherless.

Thank you if you took the time to read and I'd love to hear your own experiences with health anxiety.


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Cajswansea profile image
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16 Replies

Hello :-)

Anxiety can cause lot's of physical symptoms but I think before Doctors put something down to anxiety the right thing to do is what you are doing and get checked out

You are doing the right thing , it perhaps is all or nothing but at least then you will know and have peace of mind :-)

Let us know how you get on :-)

Take Care x

Cajswansea profile image

Yes they ruled it out my b12 was in the 500s and I’ve been taking supplements too just to bump it up a bit more

Cajswansea profile image

I have been referred to neuro clinic so I will tell them this and ask for more in depth b12 tests. I was really convinced I had b12 deficiency

Cajswansea profile image

I’m not sure how to get a private test I’ll have to look into it.

Natsteveo profile image

Hi there

This is typical health anxiety I’ve had it for many years and the signs are identical to mine when I get it the tingling the mood change I was a mess when I had blood tests as my white blood cells came back high so I was a complete utter mess had a huge meltdown thought I was dying it was horrible but I still get bad bouts of health anxiety always thinking something is wrong it’s horrible having to battle with yourself everyday


Cajswansea profile image
Cajswansea in reply to Natsteveo

Thank you so much for your reply. I’m pretty sure it’s anxiety causing my symptoms. It’s just that horrible niggling voice in the. back of your head telling you that you’re going to die.

About six years ago also in July I had another episode but it was heart palpitations and some sort of post natal anxiety. It eventually went away.

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to Cajswansea

It’s 100% health anxiety but your head and it’s voice convince you it’s not doesn’t it... it’s a tough battle to fight and when the anxiety of what your worrying subsided we always find something else to worry about don’t we it’s awful to live with.. do you know what triggered you from the beginning? Mine was losing my mum everything went to pot when she died

One thing to take on board sweetie is you are not alone we are all here suffering the same my friend this episode will pass it really will we are here anytime you need to talk... the tingling is a top sign of anxiety that’s what I get straight away every time

Nat xxx

Cajswansea profile image
Cajswansea in reply to Natsteveo

Thank you for your kind words and for understanding. I’m hoping this will pass in the next week or two. Sorry to hear about your Mum. I don’t even know what triggered mine but I hadn’t had a week off from work since christmas, partner on furlough, home schooling kids, worrying about money I think it’s just come to a head. I’m so worried now about not being about to eat properly so now I have that to contend with.

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to Cajswansea

Your very welcome

It can just appear out of anywhere line it has no reason for it maybe just feeling really tired run down every thing happening at once it can just come to a head that way..

Just take baby steps eat little but often to build up your appetite or eat something you fancy that actually helps with my appetite

Nat cx

Natsteveo profile image

It’s best to get checked sure but anxiety has so many physical symptoms you convince yourself it’s something scary to worry about I’ve had this 20 years plus and every symptom was a anxiety attack symptoms I’ve had test after test and it’s all normal but everyone is different and have different symptoms but anxiety with the tingling and burning is anxiety without a doubt but If any body is unsure then get checked out I have loads of times

Cajswansea profile image
Cajswansea in reply to Natsteveo

Thank you Nat. I have just ordered private thyroid blood tests for a more in depth look. My TSH is slightly elevated and I feel a strange sensation in my throat so I think it’s a good idea.

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to Cajswansea

Yes I would do exactly the same thing

Let us know how you get on xx

Seroma12 profile image

Hiya, just wanted to let you know tingling is my main anxiety symptom and sounds similar to yours. I have also had burning skin on occasion. The tingling is my first warning that I'm under stress and I'll sometimes get it before i even realise I'm feeling anxious. Mine always goes away when I learn to accept it as anxiety. This can be a day, a week, or a month. It persists for as long as i think about it, then just vanishes. Goes away as soon as I don't care about it anymore. This is much easier said than done! My greatest fear is also leaving my young child motherless or being unable to care for her and then I fear she wouldn't love me anymore. So hard being a Mum sometimes!!

Seroma12 profile image

Forgot to say in my novel above, i also have the strange throat feeling thing. Just another anxiety symptom for me.

Cajswansea profile image
Cajswansea in reply to Seroma12

Thank you for sharing your experience with me. I’m still not sure if it’s all down to anxiety or not. Something feels wrong in my body. Do you lose your appetite for ages sometimes? I can barely eat at the moment.

Seroma12 profile image
Seroma12 in reply to Cajswansea

Yup for sure! At my worse I only ate a few crackers and an apple each day. And I didn't even feel like having them, I only did it so my stomach wouldn't rumble.

Also, something always feels wrong in my body, because health anxiety! I'm getting used to managing it though. I get lots of practice, haha.

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