Hi, just started Pregabalin after Gabapentin not agreeing with me, made my anxiety worse. I'm waiting on an op for L5 bulging disc. Pregabalin to help with the neuro pain meantime. Can anyone tell me if anyone on here has experienced the same, how long and what dosage did they feel Pregabalin took to work? Thanks in advance.
Pregabalin : Hi, just started Pregabalin... - Anxiety Support

I started taking pregabalin six months ago. Have been diagnosed with two bulging discs and stenosis of the spine. Could not get out of bed for weeks. Was due for a steroid injection but lockdown cancelled all minor procedures. Not sure if pregabalin helped the pain as I was also on morphine patches. However, it did relax me and seemed to help stress. Was on 300 mg per day but now down to one 100 mg taken at night. Sometimes feel woozy in the morning but soon disappears. Pain has now subsided but feel unsure about coming off the pregabalin. It also helps sleep. NOt sure how long it advisable to take it for Have researched on line and it doesn't appear to have any long term affects
Thanks for replying, I'm only on the 2nd week, started 25mg morning/night, to up dose gradually by 25mg each week, now 50mg morning 25mg night, definitely feel calmer as far as anxiety goes, feeling all go one minute then souped/knackered the next, a bit nauseous and headachy but not major, just drink water. Just wondering if this is the Pregabalin settling in? The pain is still there, just wondering if like they say takes a few weeks to kick in for pain, I got a nerve block injection the beginning of June, good diagnostic outcome but no relief, on the referral to pain management for facet joint injections but been told limited patients get this treatment.
Hello there
Not sure if pregabolin is effective for pain, although it says it is.
Fentanyl morchine patches were the only thing effective but they were prescribed by a neurosurgeon and might be difficult to get from the doctor.
Pregabolin has certainly had a calming effect. The side effects do reduce after a while
I am just concerned how long I can safely take them. People have said it is difficult to come off them which is worrying. You are still on a small dose so may not be a problem. Good luck
Are there any side effects from using Fentanyl patches? I'm guessing u place them right where the bulging discs are? I need relief from nerve pain in both legs too though! Yes I feel Pregabalin is working with the anxiety
I used to take Pregabalin 1200mg per day but started getting bad side effects, so I had to drop down bit by bit,I went back to Zomorph and Oramorph as that's what my consultant said to do. I am still on Oramorph and just started back on Pregabalin 50--100mg up to three times a day,I explained to my Dr it makes me too drowsy so now only take it at night as it does help the pain and I get a night's sleep, so thats 50mg to 100mg Pregabalin at night 20mg Zomorph morning and Oramorph when needed, it seems to be working heck of a lot better this way as no side effects.
This is only the 2nd week of trying Pregabalin and only at 50mg morning and 25mg at night changing to 50/50mg on Monday, side effects all up and down, do u think it may still be settling into my system just yet, no major pain relief yet either.
I cannot say that pregabolin helped with the pain but it did have a calming effect
and certainly helped me sleep better. Side effect do reduce after a while
Let me know how you get on
Thanx for replying, helps to know there are others in the same boat as me!
I'm on Pregabalin and venfalaxine. Been pregabalin nearly 3 weeks anxiety far worse is this a side effect that will go away. Thank you x

I feel the Pregabalin has helped my anxiety and be more calm, Gabapentin made anxiety worse for me! Probably just depends on the individual, maybe best tell ur GP if it's worse as it's supposed to help.
Thank you. Been referred to mental health not sure what they do x

Do not think pregabalin should make anxiety worse. May not suit you
but I am not a medic so may be worth consulting your doctor
Tbank you. X
Thank you I have a telephone apointment with doctor she has refereed me to mental health. Taking ages for the appointment to come. Not sure what they do take care. X

If it makes u feel better I have been referred too, just to help with the long term trauma of pain and being let down with resources, struggling to cope with daily pain .

Have u heard anything about ur mental health appointment, I've just been told by occupational health at the hospital my referral has been rejected as it has to go through Pain Management which I have already been to 2 yrs ago but back to the beginning of the list again because of my catchment area for pain when I was at the top of the list, raging!!!
You have to give it time but I would have thought it would have settled after two weeks tbh,but every drug affects different people in different ways! No matter what if you are worried please Always call your GP as they know you and will have a better idea of what will suit you Medically. Good Luck Bikeblue
Thank you z