I wake up every morning with racing heart when I get up it goes to 120-140bpm but doesn’t stay there for super long, weak and shaky, nervous, knot in my stomach, dizzy ish sometimes...sometimes when it’s bad I’m lightheaded, goes away in about an hour or so after waking up and moving around, eating etc. I had an ekg and bloodwork done to check my heart and it was fine but I didn’t go to a cardiologist. I’m a hypochondriac and I’m freaking out that something is wrong with me even though I’ve had a diabetes thyroid test iron test and ekg and bloodwork and it’s all been fine. Is this really just anxiety?? 🥺
Anyone’s anxiety worse in the morning? - Anxiety Support
Anyone’s anxiety worse in the morning?

This is how I am but at night! I’m sorry that you are going through this. I’ve been using essential oils to help with my anxiety, and writing in a gratitude journal.
Do you feel like tour heart goes through a few seconds of racing or is fluttering for a beat here and there too?
Before my anxiety got under control, this happened to me a lot. I think it's because your brain is just waking up and suddenly a ton of thoughts come rushing to you at once.
I experience morning anxiety & that’s interesting, I never thought about it that way. Maybe realizing that will help me deal w/ mine.
Hi! Yes this is your anxiety. My heart raced for 18 months... fight or flight...maybe ask your doc for some Beta blockers x
I find my breathing is worse in the AM. Feel dizzy and can’t get a deep breath in. It continues throughout the day. I have hypothyroidism and low ferritin. I have 0 clue what is causing my symptoms. ? Anxiety? ?low ferritin?? ?thyroid dose that might be a little low??? The feeling of not getting a deep breath in has been for months now. I’ve had it 2 other separate times in my life and it lasts for months. It comes out of the clear blue. Has anyone experienced this also???
Hmmmm. Interesting. It fits a lot of the anxiety descriptions. I just don’t want to go on an SSRI cuz of their side effects/long time to work. Ugh.
Sounds like my anxiety I’m a hypochondriac as well. I also have nocturnal panic attacks that cause my heart to race and wake me from a dead sleep.
Hiya, i had those symptoms for many years alway told it was anxiety, turned out to be high cortisol levels. The adrenals kick in early morning to prepare you for the day, mine was very high and i used to wake up shaking and my bp spiked, turned out to be overactive adrenals so please get them checked. Early morning Cortisol blood test would be a good start and 24hr urine test and if they come back high see an endocrinologist.
Is anyone try to get out of ssri and benzo , replacing them with cbd oil?