Hello, I am new to this site and really new to taking Escitalopram 10mg and I searched up Escitalopram. Just wondering how it turned out for everyone. I’ve been trying to do so much research on this medication and by reading all these side effects I’m giving myself more anxiety. I’m worrying myself sick. If you can reply and we can talk about it that would be awesome! Just need a peace of mind & sometime to talk to about this medication. I’d like info on libido, weight, side effects etc.
Escitalopram?: Hello, I am new to this site... - Anxiety Support

I have been on 10mg of Lexapro (the brand name) and then escitalopram (the generic version) for over ten years with no side effects. The first week was rough because I have a sensitive stomach. I had bad cramps and couldn’t keep food down. My doctor recommended sticking with the pills for 14 days to get accustomed to them and he was right - I had no other issues past that first week.
I did the same thing and looked up all the side effects too and got a bit worried. Everyone reacts differently to medicine so I would take it day by day. Talk with your doctor if you have any adverse side effects. You may need to adjust the dosage or try something else. Good luck!
Hi Brikz. I was prescribed escitalopram 10 mgs a year ago and have to tell you that these have given me a complete new lease of life. I have suffered dreadful anxiety and agoraphobia for many years but with a short space of time on this medication I have never felt better. No side effects apart from a little weight gain.
I have been taking Lexapro at different dosages for about 4 years or so. Right now I am on 20 mg and for the first time I am actually able to do things like go to school events without panicking. It has worked miracles for me. I also take low dose Xanax as needed for really bad panic attacks. Everyone is different though.
Hello... I take escitalopram sandoz for almost 7 weeks because i had panic attacks. The first week i suffered mainly from nausea and I was feeling very tired... Now after 7-8 weeks my symptoms gradually decrease.. My panic disappear and the most important i lost 3 kg because i couldn' t eat ... I think you should begin the medication after the doctor's advice... I still have some symptoms but rarely and at very low level... That is my experience...
Hiya! I’ve had horrendous panic attacks generalised anxiety disorder and agoraphobia for nine years now, I took some beta blockers which I’ve had to recently reduce and I take low dose diazepam as and when needed for the really awful attacks, I’ve been asked countless times to start taking 10mg escitalopram but I’m so nervous I’m absolutely terrified about side effects and having read on this website about people who have suffered with them but had them decrease around the 8 week mark is terrifying me, if I feel bad for more than a day I’ll scare myself off them I know it. I’m so worked up about trying, could you tell me how you got on ? I’m hoping well! All the best, many thanks. X