Hey guys! How are you all doing? Last week I was diagnosed with Pityriasis Rosea - dont worry it's not contagious and non-life threatening. I believe that the stress, anxiety, and lack of sleep triggered this condition. Good news is for the past 3 nights, I had decent amount of sleep (7-8hrs) and I am really glad because I had difficulty in sleeping. I just want to say screw anxiety!!! 😂
Pityriasis Rosea: Hey guys! How are you all... - Anxiety Support
Pityriasis Rosea

I know how you feel , I went 3 nights no sleep four days ago , i had the shakes and slightly hallucinated , my pee was violet . Last night I fell asleep finally for 12 hours. Woke up feeling good. I was going crazy before
Yay! Good for us. We HA peeps are always going crazy but good thing we have each other here. What's the last color of your pee?
Hiya, I had that back in 2017, right before my 35th bday (apparently it only affects people under 35) the irony lol.
I was really freaking out it,
for me it started on my breast it looked like a huge bruise. Then it stated spreading day by day
took me to see 2 drs for an accurate diagnosis the first dr was usless & said it was fungal gave me cream that obviously wasn't for that condition.
So I was back at the drs with more weird patches from my torso to my legs,
But yes it does make you quite tired & I am certain it started because I was in a heightend stressed state for a number and months. Insomnia is usual for me so yes i think it fully went after the 8 or 12 weeks, I used an emollient for bathing in also to moisturise along with the other cream to put on the areas.
Best of luck with the recovery.. 🤗
I hope you are through it soon, apparently you only get it once, so don't worry if you do see lots of little mates popping up lol make the most of any rest you can get. It is an odd thing i'd never heard of it till I got it.
I freaked out too. I thought it was just a ringworm but it's odd that it's grown big that I didnt notice it. Then day after day they just kept on appearing and I was like, something is happening in my body. I knew back then that it's related to stress and when the doctor confirmed it, I got better. The panic subsided.
Yeh I know exactly what you mean,
the big one was just like wtf? And then I'd wake up inspecting the new ones day by day.. Lol.
It was definitely one of those things that made me see how much I had to eliminate the stress, the body is always trying to tell us in one way or another,
- thinking back on it actually, I did feel the viral effects of it, I was pretty run down to say the least..
Very pleased your doctor was quick to treat you,
It is amazing how anxiety can affect the body in so many different ways
I am pleased you got a good nights sleep because that can be such a huge help with all our conditions
I find listening to some deep relaxation before going to sleep helps
Hope you continue to get a good nights rest
Take Care x