If I feel really strange and unhinged from... - Anxiety Support

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If I feel really strange and unhinged from anxiety, almost like I'm going to do something crazy, should I isolate myself and stay inside?

11 Replies

Lately anxiety has been making me feel like I'm about to get up and start screaming or running around or just say crazy things to people. I never do, but I FEEL very very unhinged. Is this safe? It feels like my brain is bouncing around in my head from weird thought to weird thought and I don't want to go out or see anyone for fear of embarrassing myself. Problem is... I never really do anything weird. Besides politely excuse myself from most public events. I almost want to go to a mental hospital but the feeling is so INTERNAL, and I feel like they would just try to change my meds or something (yeah, no), and send me home. To summarize my venting, basically I look normal on the outside, but feel insane on the inside and I'm afraid the "insane" is going to leak out and I'm going to do something crazy and/or make a fool out of myself.

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11 Replies
bbanxiety profile image

Yes and yes. This is a recurring theme I've found with my anxiety sometimes, especially when it's really bad.

Fortunately I've learnt a few things about feeling unhinged from reality. Mine is a lot to do with racing thoughts that are intrusive. They're unwanted and unfounded and I have to just let them fade in and out.

Potential trigger warning below!

I find that my feeling of being unhinged from reality feeds another fear and then another. Because I've (like you I would assume) Googled the hell out of a bunch of illnesses, my fears started to become intertwined. So for example, my fear of being unhinged from reality then made me think I was about to have a seizure, which then paralysed me to do anything. This would then tie into another and then another.

Anxiety and panic is a reaction that can make you feel detached and make you feel as if you're on the outside looking in and it's very common to feel like you're about to do something crazy or that you're going to go "crazy". If you weren't aware of this and you weren't questioning the way you felt, then that would be a concern.

You're fine, relax.

in reply to bbanxiety

Oh god, I ALWAYS think i'm about to have a seizure because it feels like my brain is "losing control". Thank you for your reply, it helps a lot.

bbanxiety profile image
bbanxiety in reply to

Do you take SSRI's? I read a research article in relation to that seizure worry that actually put my mind at ease.

Charbey profile image
Charbey in reply to bbanxiety

Bbanxiety, I did the samething. I was always an anxious person but not bad. When I woke up with extreme tight trap and neck muscles I jump on DR GOOGLE. wrong wrong thing to do. Well that was the day I welcomed anxiety in and later panics attacks. I googled the crap out of everything. I mean hours and hours days. I did that for 5 months. Took everything out of me not to Google stuff. As my friend said " when did they close medical schools because of Google"?

italiancookie profile image

I totally get what you mean, and I experience that too. And sometimes it feels like you have to tighten your whole body just to keep it from happening. Does it ever feel like when someone is speaking to you, their words are scrambled for a few seconds? That’s a thing that happens with me sometimes too.

in reply to italiancookie

Yes, I have a bunch of weird hearing issues. :\

DoggieLoverbon profile image

I completely relate to this, sometimes I feel like I’d be better off in a mental hospital because my brain makes me feel like I’m going insane. And I want to get up and scream because I’m so scared.

i feel the same way too especially in the morning. i feel i wanted to shout my head out just to ease the feeling..i am with mirtazapine 30 mg and i take it when i go to bed but as soon as i wake up in the morning anxiety hits me.

LovePurple2 profile image
LovePurple2 in reply to

I'm fine when I go to bed at night & it's the morning time I dread. The anxiety starts as soon as I get out of bed & try to get on with my day & it's horrible. Fighting it makes you tired & I read to accept it & let it pass. Some days I feel like I'm not a normal person & my husband says, you're going to be ok.😥

Hope1410 profile image

You. Are. Not. Alone. I’ve had anxiety disorder my whole life and usually it was where my chest was tight and couldn’t breathe. The last year and a half I’ve had exactly what you wrote. It’s almost like how am I acting normal when all this stuff in my head is going crazy. What helps me cope when it’s really bad is knowing I’ve never done it (got up and screamed) and these weird intrusive thoughts don’t align with my core values. Your thoughts aren’t your actions. Just know you’re not alone!

TAH2015 profile image

I’ve definitely felt like there was times in my life where I should have been put into a mental health hospital. When I get to the point where my worrying is out of control I literally feel crazy and then when I try to talk with friends or family about it I just feel more crazy. The worst part for me is know how irrational my thoughts are and still believing them, no matter how hard I try not to!

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